Warm-up: Knowsys Group 22 Oddball STAAR Independent Practice Persuasive - “Should Columbus Day Be Renamed?” Poetry - Dead Poets… video clips - Lit book answering ?s - Literature text pgs Write Skinny Mini Homework: study Poetry Terms; review Group 22 Poetry Term Quiz on Monday 4/13 APRIL 6
Unorthodox Methods On Poetry Finding a Voice Original Poetry Lesson on Conformity DEAD POETS SOCIETY CLIPS These clips are not available for viewing from my website. Sorry!
April 7 Warm Up: Knowsys Group 22 Narrative – pick up from table Special Adjectives that Compare - ppt notes & practice - pg. 125 Analyze Poetry Finish Lit text pg reading & answering questions - Model: “Analysis of Baseball” Lit text pgs Write Skinny Mini HWK: AR; Group 22 Quiz Friday
April 8 Warm Up: Adjectives Review, pg. 127 – turn in basket STAAR Independent Practice -Poem & paired passages -Annotate & provide text evidence (see next slide) -Turn in basket Poetry -Work on your Skinny Mini in spiral (rough draft) -See examples & requirements on the board HWK: AR; Group 22 Quiz Friday; Poetry Quiz Monday This is on the BACK of the Special Adjectives WS you did yesterday. 1 st /2 nd – you have yours. 3 rd /4 th - Jackson will return it to you.
Completing the STAAR Practice Read each selection carefully, and write short notes in the margin (annotate). This will help you make sure you understand it as you go. Read the questions carefully. Circle or highlight key words. Think about what it is really asking you. USE A DICTIONARY for ANY unfamiliar or questionable words! You don’t even have to ask; just do it! Find text evidence to support your answers; write the paragraph # next to the question. If you can’t support the answer you’ve chosen, maybe it’s not the answer. Mark your answers clearly. Check over your work before turning in to be sure you’ve answered every question.
April 9 Warm Up: Knowsys Group 22 Latin Root -fer Check Adjectives Review, pg. 127 Analyze Poetry Literature textbook pgs , 598 (answer #1-8) - Models: “Sea-Fever” and “The Village Blacksmith” - Literature textbook pgs , Write a limerick HWK: AR; study for Group 22 Quiz tomorrow
Think & Discuss What do you think of when you hear the word “work”?
Unfamiliar terms in “Sea-Fever” tall ship (line 2) – a sailing boat with high masts wheel’s kick (line 3) – when a sudden wind or tide causes a ship to spin out of control trick (line 6) – a round-trip voyage Elements to notice: -Rhyme -Meter -Refrain Pgs in Lit book
Background for “The Village Blacksmith” A blacksmith makes & repairs iron objects by hammering them against an anvil, a heavy iron block Using the roaring fire in his forge (a hearth for heating metals), he would shape iron into horseshoes, weapons, and tools. Because of improvements in the production of these objects, blacksmiths are rare today. Elements to notice: -Rhyme -Meter Pgs. 593, in Lit book
April 10 Warm Up: Knowsys Group 22 Quiz; introduce Group 23 Analyze Poetry Literature textbook pgs , Write a limerick -Models: Lit text pgs “Fall” and “Change” -Models: Lit text pgs , “Fog” and “Two Haiku” (discuss analysis questions) -Write haikus (2-3) & lantern poems Homework: Poetry Terms crossword puzzle; quiz Monday
Limericks Poems about silly subjects Written in a very rigid form – 5 lines – A regular meter Lines 1, 2, & 5 – 3 beats Lines 3 & 4 – 2 beats – A regular rhyme pattern (aabba) Pgs. 637, 640 in Lit book
Think & Discuss What aspect of the natural world do you find amazing, puzzling, frightening, or disgusting?
Before reading “Fall” “Change” and “Fog” Imagery – created through the use of sensory language – sight – hearing – touch – smell – Taste Refrain – repetition of words and phrases – Emphasis of words or ideas – Establish a mood – Develop rhythm Metaphor – comparison of two things without using the words “like” or “as” Lit pgs , 611
Haiku Japanese poetry about nature Conveys a mood or feeling while painting a picture with words through imagery Total of 17 syllables – Line 1 has 5 syllables – Line 2 has 7 syllables – Line 3 has 5 syllables Lit pg. 612