Dragon Spell By Griffin Powers
Dragon Spell Series First is the Dragon Spell Seconded is the dragon Knight Third is Dragon Fire
Why I read This book Well at first I read this book because the cover looked good. But when I actually got into the book I realized it was good. My favorite part was when kale found the Meech dragon egg. But you will have to read the book if you would like to Know what happens next's. Remember the book is a series.
Why I Think You Should read It First off I think this book is a great AR book because it is worth 15 AR points. The second reason I think you should read Dragon Spell is that it may have a lot of pages but it is easy to read. I Recommend this book for people who like dragons and fantasy.
Pictures for the book
My Favorite Characters Well my favorite character is Dar the Donail. For me he is the funniest person in the hole book. My next favorite character Is Kale She is the mane character in the book she has the power to find dragon eggs.