HISTORY OBJECTIVES: -We want our students to understand the Electoral College process, and the different combinations a President can win. -To investigate important elections in which the outcome had impact on future events. -To explain term lengths and requirements to being elected to office. -Importance of Ohio in Presidential elections.
History Activity #1 Have students lay out a map of the United States and label the amount of Electoral votes for each state. I will give students a blank map to fill in information. Click on this web-site for electoral information. Allocation.phtmlhttp:// Allocation.phtml
History Activity #2 Have students investigate five different Presidential elections and document the Electoral College votes from those elections. This web-site shows previous Electoral College results. tmlhttp:// tml
History Activity #3 Short lecture on the election of 1860 & –Lincolns election resulted in emancipation & the civil war. –Hayes election resulted in the end of reconstruction. Have students pick one election and write a summarizing paragraph. These two web sites give detailed information of these elections.
History Activity #4 Term limits –Split students in to four groups. –Research term limits & requirements for President, Senate, House, and Supreme Court. –This web-site will show students term limits of all federal government positions. m.html?tname=13506&url=13506/basis/out line.htmhttp:// m.html?tname=13506&url=13506/basis/out line.htm
History Activity #5 There will be an short lecture on the importance of Ohio in the Presidential election. A worksheet will then be completed on the different elections and Ohio’s impact.
People in Societies Objective is to understand the different struggles to obtain the right to vote by different ethnic & culture background.
People in Societies Activity #1 The students will be instructed of the background of women's suffrage and the struggle to obtain voting privileges. Each student will complete an information check sheet on the leaders and timeline of obtaining the right to vote. e.htmlhttp://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/naw/nawstim e.html
People in Societies Activity #2 The students will be instructed of the background of Black suffrage and the struggle to obtain voting privileges. Each student will complete an information check sheet on the leaders and timeline of obtaining the right to vote. ss/douglass/part5.htmlhttp:// ss/douglass/part5.html
People in Societies Activity #3 The students will be instructed of the background of Indian suffrage and the struggle to obtain voting privileges. Each student will complete an information check sheet on the leaders and timeline of obtaining the right to vote. mlhttp:// ml
People in Societies Activity #4 Students will be explained the different consequences in which voting privileges are taken away. Have students pick five different states and explain their criteria for allowing felons to vote. 00b.htmlhttp:// 00b.html
People in Societies Activity #5 In this activity the students will be broken up into four groups. The students will then present their findings on how each group would likely vote in an election.
GEOGRAPHY Objective for this section will be voting tendencies of different states, as well as environmental issues that pertain to politics and voting. Objective for this section will be voting tendencies of different states, as well as environmental issues that pertain to politics and voting.
Geography Activity #1 This activity is to have students pick at least five states and record their voting preference according to political party. This activity is to have students pick at least five states and record their voting preference according to political party. This web site gives voting information for every election from 1789-present. This web site gives voting information for every election from 1789-present
Geography Activity #2 In this activity we will show a video on environmental issues and government involvement. In this activity we will show a video on environmental issues and government involvement. –Students will complete worksheet during video. –Will give a web-site to explore other environmental issues. –
Geography Activity #3 This activity will have the local park ranger come into the classroom and talk about local issues involving the state parks as well as other environmental issues. This activity will have the local park ranger come into the classroom and talk about local issues involving the state parks as well as other environmental issues. –Have students prepare three well written questions and answer during class. –Extra credit will be given for asking questions during class. –
Geography Activity #4 Have students research in groups one President and the environmental platform & accomplishments. Have students research in groups one President and the environmental platform & accomplishments. –The group will then present their findings in front of the class. –
Geography Activity #5 In this activity the students will write a letter as a class to their local state representative, asking one environmental question. In this activity the students will write a letter as a class to their local state representative, asking one environmental question. This web-site explains Ohio’s environmental issues. This web-site explains Ohio’s environmental issues
Economics Our objective is to have the students understand the economic issue in politics at the local, state, and federal levels.
Economics Activity #1 In this activity we will have a school board member and mayor come in and talk about the upcoming school and city levies. –Have students prepare three well written questions and answer during class. –Extra credit will be given for asking questions during class. –This web-site will talk about issues of the upcoming school levy. –
Economics Activity #2 This activity will discuss how the Ohio state budget has to balanced. –Break students into groups and have them come up with their own cuts to balance the budget. –This web-site will explain the state budget and what is entails. –
Economics Activity #3 In this activity the students will learn about the federal deficit, losing jobs overseas, and political implications. –Students will break into groups and come up with two things the federal government is spending money on they don’t agree with and how they would lower the deficit. – nchpad/5577/philo/fedbgt.htmhttp:// nchpad/5577/philo/fedbgt.htm
Economics Activity #4 In this activity we will discuss campaign contributions of the Republican party and the groups that support them. –Have each student research how much money the republican party has in donations, and three major groups that support them. – ?Ind=Dhttp:// ?Ind=D
Economics Activity #5 In this activity we will discuss campaign contributions of the Democratic party and the groups that support them. –Have each student research how much money the Democratic party has in donations, and three major groups that support them. – asp?Ind=Dhttp:// asp?Ind=D
GOVERNMENT Our objective is to explain the separation of powers in all branches of government, influence of lobbyist groups, and the process of a bill becoming a law Our objective is to explain the separation of powers in all branches of government, influence of lobbyist groups, and the process of a bill becoming a law
Government Activity #1 This activity I will give the students a lecture on the executive branch and its role and responsibilities. This activity I will give the students a lecture on the executive branch and its role and responsibilities. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. This website gives detailed information about the executive branch This website gives detailed information about the executive branch cutive.shtml cutive.shtml cutive.shtml cutive.shtml
Government Activity #2 This activity I will give the students a lecture on the legislative branch and its role and responsibilities. This activity I will give the students a lecture on the legislative branch and its role and responsibilities. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. This website gives detailed information about the legislative branch This website gives detailed information about the legislative branch islative.shtml islative.shtml islative.shtml islative.shtml
Government Activity #3 This activity I will give the students a lecture on the judicial branch and its role and responsibilities. This activity I will give the students a lecture on the judicial branch and its role and responsibilities. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the lecture. This website gives detailed information about the judicial branch This website gives detailed information about the judicial branch
Government Activity #4 In this activity I will divide the students into groups an assign them a lobbyist group that the will investigate their influence on political decisions. In this activity I will divide the students into groups an assign them a lobbyist group that the will investigate their influence on political decisions. Students will present their findings to the class. Students will present their findings to the class.
Government Activity #5 In this activity, the students will be split into the three branches of government and investigate the lawmaking process understanding the different outcomes that may occur. In this activity, the students will be split into the three branches of government and investigate the lawmaking process understanding the different outcomes that may occur. Students will present their findings in a written report. Students will present their findings in a written report. This website will give further information that will assist the students in their written report This website will give further information that will assist the students in their written report law2001.pdf law2001.pdf law2001.pdf law2001.pdf
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Our objective in this unit is to inform students on the basic campaign process leading up to a presidential election.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #1 I will lecture on the caucus system and how the nomination process works. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the caucus system. Homework will include a worksheet on prior caucus results. This website may aid the students in their homework.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #2 I will lecture on the primaries and how the nomination process works. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the primaries. Homework will include a worksheet on prior primary results. This website may aid the students in their homework. m m
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #3 I will lecture on party conventions. Students will complete a guided worksheet on the party conventions. Homework will include a worksheet on prior party conventions results. This website may aid the students in their homework. h/html/ah_067400_partyconvent.htm h/html/ah_067400_partyconvent.htm
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #4 I will present information pertaining to the political parties and their positions on major issues. Following this lecture students will be divided into two groups representing the major political parties and debate the issues.
Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities Activity #5 I will review the voting requirements as well as the process that each individual must go through in order to become registered to vote. Students will hold a mock vote; taking the roles of all those involved in the actual voting process (registers, counters, etc.) Students will be able to use this website to find more information concerning the upcoming presidential election html html
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS Our objective is to explain the different problems and issues dealing with a election. Our objective is to explain the different problems and issues dealing with a election.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS ACTIVITY #1 The first discussion will be on the problem of year old citizens not voting in America. The first discussion will be on the problem of year old citizens not voting in America. Have each student turn in a one page summary on the problem of younger voter turnout and what could be done about the problem. Have each student turn in a one page summary on the problem of younger voter turnout and what could be done about the problem. This web site will show voting demographics for year old for each state. This web site will show voting demographics for year old for each state
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS ACTIVITY #2 In this activity students will in groups of two. In this activity students will in groups of two. They will pick one election and give a detailed report on the issues and voter turnout for that election. They will pick one election and give a detailed report on the issues and voter turnout for that election. Also they need to explain why this election was important to American history. Also they need to explain why this election was important to American history. ons/maps/ ons/maps/ ons/maps/ ons/maps/
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS ACTIVITY #3 In this activity students will get into groups and breakdown voting amendments in the constitution. In this activity students will get into groups and breakdown voting amendments in the constitution. The students will report their findings to the class in a short presentation. The students will report their findings to the class in a short presentation. This web-site contains all the information a student would need to research to constitution. This web-site contains all the information a student would need to research to constitution. ence/charters/constitution.html ence/charters/constitution.html ence/charters/constitution.html ence/charters/constitution.html
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS ACTIVITY #4 In this activity we will discuss the different “Hot” issues in politics. In this activity we will discuss the different “Hot” issues in politics. The students will once again work in groups to break down the different issues. Then report their findings to the class. The students will once again work in groups to break down the different issues. Then report their findings to the class. In this web-site you will be able to find the different “Hot” issues in the election. In this web-site you will be able to find the different “Hot” issues in the election.
SOCIAL STUDIES SKILLS AND METHODS ACTIVITY #5 In this activity we will look back at the 2000 election in a class discusion. In this activity we will look back at the 2000 election in a class discusion. Each student will write a short essay on citing their opinion on whether the results of the election were fair or not. Each student will write a short essay on citing their opinion on whether the results of the election were fair or not. Also discuss the implications of the results. Also discuss the implications of the results. tion,_ tion,_ tion,_ tion,_2000