$100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 $100 $200 $300 $400 $500
1-100 Figure out something from known facts using logical evidence
1-100A What is deduce? Select a new category Select a New Category
1-200 A possible scientific explanation that can be tested by comparison with scientific evidence.
1-200A What is a hypothesis? Select a New Category
1-300 Learning by asking questions & seeking the answers.
1-300A What is learning by inquiry? Select a New Category
1-400 Scientists believe the universe follows a set of “rules” known as this.
1-400A What are natural laws? Select a New Category
1-500 A scientific explanation supported by lots of evidence collected over a long period of time.
1-500A What is a theory? Select a New Category
A step by step account of all you do when conducting a particular experiment.
2-100A What is the procedure? Select a New Category
2-200 This is a situation specifically set up to investigate relationships between variables
2-200A What iS an experiment? Select a New Category
2-300 The way you release a car on a ramp while conducting an experiment is an example of this
2-300A What is experimental technique? Select a New Category
2-400 Something you keep the same from trial to trial in an experiment
2-400A What is a control variable? Select a New Category
2-500 The thing you are testing (changing) in an experiment (a.k.a. manipulated variable)
2-500A What is the experimental variable? Select a New Category
Newton’s laws of motion, the atomic theory, the universal law of gravitation & biochemistry are examples of this
3-100A What is science? Select a New Category
3-200 A digital music player, windmill, GPS and maglev train are examples of this
3-200A What is technology? Select a New Category
3-300 A working model of a design that can be tested to see of it works
3-300A What is a prototype? Select a New Category
3-400 The application of science to meet human needs and solve problems
3-400A What is technology? Select a New Category
steps of the engineering cycle
3-500A What is evaluate, design, prototype and test? Select a New Category
An artist’s watercolor painting of an oak leaf
4-100A What is not scientific evidence and not testable? Select a New Category
4-200 The time for a car to drive once around a track
4-200A What is scientific evidence and testable? Select a New Category
4-300 The number of each different color of candy coated chocolates in a bag of candy
4-300A What is scientific evidence and testable? Select a New Category
4-400 Earth completes one rotation every 24 hours
4-400A What is scientific evidence and testable? Select a New Category
4-500 Life forms exist in other galaxies
4-500A What is not scientific evidence and not testable? Select a New Category
The difference between a theory and a hypothesis
5-100A What is a hypothesis is a possible explanation of a scientific phenomenon; a theory is an accepted explanation for which lots of evidence has been gathered over a long period of time? Select a New Category
5-200 The difference between an experimental variable and a control variable
Select a New Category What is an experimental variable is the thing you are testing from trial to trial; control variables are the things you keep the same?
5-300 The difference between experimental technique and procedure
5-300A What is an experimental techniques is something you do in an experiment to ensure the results are reliable, objective and repeatable; a procedure is a step- by-step list of exactly how you conduct an experiment? Select a New Category
5-400 The difference between science and technology
5-400A What is science is the study of the natural laws of the universe; technology is the application of science to create new devices or ways of doing things to solve problems? Select a New Category
5-500 The difference between scientists and engineers
5-500A What is a scientist conducts experiments to test hypotheses about how things in the natural world work; an engineer takes scientific knowledge and uses it to create new ways of doing things… Select a New Category
Monique wants to see what happens when she drops a marble from different heights into a baking tray with a thick layer of very soft modeling clay pressed inside. She predicts the closer the marble is to the clay when she drops it, the deeper the marble’s indentation will be. What is her hypothesis?
6-100A What is the closer the marble is to the clay when dropped, the deeper the hole in the clay will be? Select a New Category
6-200 The experimental variable in Monique’s experiment
6-200A What is the height from which the marble is dropped? Select a New Category
6-300 Two control variables in Monique’s experiment
6-300A What are the marble must be the same; the dough must be the same thickness? Select a New Category
6-400 The evidence collected from Monique’s experiment
6-400A Select a New Category Select a New Category What is the depth of the hole the marble makes in the clay?
6-500 You turn on your digital music player and it does not work. The way you would use the scientific method to figure out what was wrong.
6-500A What is come up with a hypothesis, test the hypothesis, collect data, analyze results, communicate results to others? Select a New Category
You have an idea for making a homemade shoe that will allow you to walk on open egg cartons without crushing any eggs. Utilize the engineering cycle to design it.
What is draw a design of your idea, build a prototype, test your prototype and evaluate your results?