Innovation Management Torino, September Han van der Meer
Content 1. Personal introduction 2. Introduction and definition 3. Project, process, organisation
What is your definition of innovation ?
Innovation: Durchsetzung neuer Kombinationen Schumpeter, 1912
Defendable competitive advantage innovation
Defense (minimum 3 points) Intellectual property rights patents trade mark copy right Cost leadership (secret) production knowledge special machinery Entrance barrier (investments) development costs production costs established brand high margin for distribution channel Exclusive relations raw materials distribution / sales
Circle of success Defendable competitive advantage marketshare % profit reinvestment innovation
Example Jade pillows
Pillow low price, low interest
Jade Excellent
Innovation is multifunctional Source: Arthur D. Little, %10%20%30%40%50%60% social finance production marketing product
In distress you learn to pray Nood leert bidden
Wooden neck support
Sylvana support
The whole of activities aimed at the making of products, the implementation of production methods, as well as serving markets, that each apart or in combination are new for the considered organisation. During Industrial innovation
Can innovation be controlled Source: A. D. Little Management Perspectives on Innovation, 1985
Are not ‘controllable’ Breakthroughs
Most innovations are and controllable incremental
Innovation pays off Source: (v.d. Zwan, 1992, Cobbenhagen, 2000) Year invest in market and product innovation (substainable competitive advantage) invest in cost reducing technology (efficiency) Laggards Fore runners