Your group’s title here! Your names and period number
Background information Use your secondary sources to fill up this slide! Give a small summary of your topic using your secondary sources. For example: In the North, there were some free African Americans. Many people believed that because they lived in the Northern states that they also enjoyed the same rights as whites. However, that was not the case. Free blacks did not have the same rights as whites in the north because even though these states were free from slavery did not mean that they became automatically equal. Also, don’t forget to put your sources around the bottom! -The Americans textbook - The DBQ Project by Brady and Roden
Primary Source #1 Please describe how this document relates to your secondary sources! Although blacks were free in the north, they were not able to vote in many northern states. In addition, they were also not allowed to be on a jury in northern states. Please place your source here!
Primary Source #2 Please describe how this document is related to your secondary source as well as your first primary source. As the first document said, blacks had limited freedom when it came to voting and jury duty. In addition to that, this document states that blacks are also separated socially. Please place your source here!
Test Questions! Please put your two potential test questions here! 1. How were blacks perceived in the North before the Civil War? 2. Blacks were free: a. to vote in all states in the North. b. from slavery in the North. c. serve in the jury in the North. d. marry whom they please in the North.