Mid Day Meal Scheme PAB-MDM Meeting-National Informatics Centre (NIC) 2 nd May, 2014 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
No. Activity to be undertaken Proposal for FY (Rs. in lakhs) Recommend ation 1. Software Maintenance, enhancement & support services Website Enhancement & Updation Security Audit Seating at Shastri Park, New Delhi (8 Seats)16.80* -- 5.Hardware Workshops Contingency5.00 Total Committed Expenditure of FY **-- Grand Total100.46*** Proposals and Recommendations * The item is not part of initial approval. ** NIC has informed that there is committed expenditure of of Rs. 11 Lakhs in FY *** NIC has requested to revalidate unspent balance of Rs lakhs and release balance amount of Rs lakhs (Rs lakhs - Rs lakhs) during FY
No. Component Total Cost (Rs. in Lakhs) 1. Requirement Gathering at State Level and National Level Software Design & Development (Hiring of advanced skill set manpower / Outsourcing) Infrastructure for Software development, Testing and Hosing including OS and Software Tools Application Roll Out Project Management Miscellaneous 5 7. On Site one year post implementations support after National rollout 30 Total NICSI Charges on Total Grand Total Summary of Component wise Approval of Funds
No. Details Amount (Rs. in lakhs) 1. Total Sanctioned Amount Total Funds Received Total expenditure as on 31 st March, Unspent Balance33.84 Financial Achievements No. Details Amount (Rs. in lakhs) 1. Amount released during Funds utilized during Upto FY For FY
Development of GIS based module. Proof of Concept (POC) for integration of Interactive Voice Response System (IVRS) with MIS. Working space (10 resources) along with Local Area Network (LAN), hardware, software and NIC network (NICNET) connectivity at Vijaya Building, Barakhamba Road, New Delhi. The appraisal team recommended that the above proposals may be examined in detail before submitting to PAB-MDM. Additional Proposals
6 India Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Components of MDM-MIS Pre-requisite steps User Creation Create and freeze state norms Lifting agency entry and mapping with districts District wise working days NGO Master Entry and mapping with Schools SHG Master Entry and mapping with schools Opening balances Fund Flow and Food grain management Generation and submission of Annual Work Plan & Budget Annual and Monthly data entry on critical components
Achievements 9 92%
Analysis of data MDM-MIS 10 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
District wise status of data entry in poor performing States 11 Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
Meghalaya: Trend of monthly data entry
Delhi -Status of data entry:
States/UTs with wide variations in coverage of children under MDMS as reported through two sources (AWP&B and MIS) 14 States have reported more coverage of children in AWP&B as compared to MDM-MIS
% Schools where coverage of children is below 40%
Coverage of children MIS vs attendance on day of visit as per ASER Availed MDM in Q-3 Availed MDM in Q-2 Availed MDM in Q-1 Availed MDM (9 months) PAB Approval
States/UTs with wide variation in coverage of working days under MDMS 17 Availed MDM in Q-3 Availed MDM in Q-2 Availed MDN in Q-1Availed MDM (9 months) PAB Approval for
% Schools where MDM not served for more than 20 days till Dec, 2013
States/Uts with significant variation in data on engagement of cook-cum-helpers and honorarium paid 19
States/UTs with large variation in utilization of cooking cost 20
Use of LPG as a mode of cooking 21
Kitchen sheds constructed but not in use
Way Ahead 23 SMS alerts to important functionaries regarding data entry status Creation of interface for capturing contact details of officers/officials at State, District, Block level /SMS alerts to officers/officials at all levels regarding: Schools where % coverage of children against enrollment is below a certain (configurable) percentage Schools where MDM was not served for ‘N’ (configurable) number of days Schools where closing balance of cooking cost/ food grains is zero or negative at the end of month Shortlisting of schools with poor coverage of children and irregularity in serving of meals and field visit to the schools accordingly
Component-wise proposal