Eng 10 Q3 W3 Spring 2015
MLK’s Presentation Standards SL4 Present information, findings, and supporting evidence clearly, concisely, and logically such that listeners can follow the line of reasoning and the organization, development, substance, and style are appropriate to purpose, audience, and task. SL5 Make strategic use of digital media (e.g., textual, graphical, audio, visual, and interactive elements) in presentations to enhance understanding of findings, reasoning, and evidence and to add interest. SL6 Adapt speech to a variety of contexts and tasks, demonstrating command of formal English
Eng 10 DO NOW 1/26/15 Create a SMART goal for yourself and your group today. Prezi done? Tested every members’ knowledge (every group member should be able to define the element, cite evidence from letter, know the main ideas of the letter) Notecards for speakers made? Tomorrow, I’ll test any group who thinks they have 100% members at Procifiency
Success Today Means 1/26 Groups train each other until 100% of members can answer all the parts of the presentation. (Test w me tomorrow for prizes!) Groups have a PROFESSIONAL, POLISHED visual aid Groups create notecards for the presentation VISUAL DUE TOMORROW
Eng 10 DO NOW 1/27/15 Do you remember what standards you are being assessed on during your presentations? Specifically, can you recall what was underlined as important when we looked at the standards yesterday? (If you don’t know them, then you don’t know how you are being graded)
Success Today Means 1/27 Groups have 100% member experts. Groups have submitted Visual to Edmodo English 10 Group Groups have practice their PRESENTATION STANDARDS: at least 3 times using the visual. Elite students may take a MLK Rhetorical Analysis Graphic Organizer and begin designing their personal weblog post
Eng 10 DO NOW 1/28/15 After the presentations, you are on your own to analyze and evaulate MLK’s argument and rhetoric. How will the presentations make that easier for you? What should you do to make the most of the presentations? How can you use the info presented today?
Success Today Means 1/28 Students demonstrate their proficiency for Speaking Standards Audience takes down as many notes as possible while absorbing the information about the different elements of rhetoric. No audience interruptions. Questions at the end.
Eng 10 DO NOW 1/29/15 Reflect on the presentations yesterday, what can we do better as presenters and audience members?
Succes Today Means 1/29/15 Students teach each other about elements of rhetoric. Students use the knowledge they have obtained this week to draft their rhetorical analysis weblog. HW: Finish drafting weblog or at least a fully completed graphic organizer. Only one day of class time for typing FYI
Eng 10 DO NOW 1/30/15 Turn in Week 3 DO NOWS to US Mail BOX (1/26-1/30) Turn in Week 2 DO Nows to Mail BASKET (1/ ) Have your draft/G.O. out. The faster we do this, the more typing time you have today.
Success Today Means 1/30 Students type their MLK Rhetorical Analysis weblog on Word. Students submit their draft before leaving school today to EDMODO. Next week, you will have to revise and publish to our MLK blog site (to be announced). THIS IS THE FINAL ESSAY GRADE SO BE AWARE