Game Design Theory Creativity 101 Paul Taylor 2010
Unlocking your creativity and locking it in your cage Based on Chapter 6 of The Art of Game Design -animal-cage-stand.jpg
Why? Becoming a designer will require you to use your creativity on demand. It is easy to dream, but far more difficult to create something on demand content/uploads/2009/10/creativity.jpg
Inspiration Your Ideas are driven from the experiences you have had over your life When you are trying to generate good ideas, it is important to know the problem Having found the problem do not jump to the first solution, this is the creative bit... ? Overused ?
Going slightly schizophrenic ZzLaVEM: LlQ/SU7FEcLujdI/AAAAAAAABME/s5JZaA65sDg /s320/schizophrenic.jpg
To understand your creativity you will need to separate yourself from it a little, and learn to negotiate with it. To this end we : consider your subconscious to be a different person Now to meet your subconscious....
He/She is: Mute – only talks through imagery and emotions XKypfW4aI/AAAAAAAAAYY/h3NSy5_NVHo/s40 0/mute.gif
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Emotional om/graphics/art3/ emotional1.jpg motional%20blackmail.gif
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Living with your Subconscious in a professional way In the same way you manage any of your relationships, you must treat your subconscious well to work together.
Pay Attention! To gain any good ideas from your friend you must listen! How? You must pay attention to what your subconscious offers – thoughts – Ideas, suggestions – Feelings – Emotions – Dreams
Remember the Ideas Remember it can be really difficult to get your subconscious to refresh you on an idea it once had Writing everything down is a great way to keep your ideas You do this when brainstorming in a team, so really you are just doing it more often. – Pictures, notes, dot points, however you remember best
Look after your subconscious’ appetite To be creative it needs to have things to eat – Playing different games – Watching Movies – Going somewhere new – Doing a new activity – Reading an interesting book These are just some of the ways you can feed your subconscious
Watch out for Junk Food Your subconscious will eat whatever you give it These are some of the Junk foods you need to keep away from your subconscious! Dealing with school You Being Hungry Being Tired Outside Pressures
Your subconscious is nocturnal When you sleep well, your subconscious is awake. – Whilst you think during the day, your subconscious does all its great work when you are asleep
Don’t push your friendship! Ever had a friend that just wont shut up or leave you alone. The one that just keeps talking? Don’t be this person to your subconscious. If you don’t give it time to rest, pretty soon your relationship with it will fail
Overall it is a very personal thing Not everything is relevant to you There will be other things not covered that will be relevant. This is a learning exercise, its only through experience that you can manage and improve your creative abilities
But are all ideas good?
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Next Week... The destruction of your ideas