1 Travel Market Insights International Visitors – BRIC vs. Traditional Presented by: Scott Johnson Travel Market Insights
2 Travel Market Insights Travel Market Insights CONSUMER Inbound International Visitor Market Analysis –40 plus DMO’s, Businesses, Associations –Strategic international visitor market research and planning –Est IN-COUNTRY TRADE Travel Trade Barometer –China, Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, Mexico (Brazil and Australia?) –Quarterly bookings; plus projected bookings –Trade Survey –Partner Driven
3 Travel Market Insights Partner Driven
4 Travel Market Insights
5 Travel Market Insights The BIG Question? BRIC Vs Traditional BRIC Countries: –Brazil –Russia –India –China Traditional Countries: –United Kingdom –Japan –Germany –France
6 Travel Market Insights Arrivals by Volume
7 Travel Market Insights Arrivals by Volume and CCR Cumulative Comparative Ranking
8 Travel Market Insights TravelPassengerTotal Travel ReceiptsFare Receipts Origin Country2011(r)Receipts (r) 2011(r) Top Travel Export Markets 2011(r) in $ Billions Japan$10.1$4.6$14.8 United Kingdom$9.0$3.0$12.0 Brazil$5.9$2.6$8.5 China$5.7$2.1$7.7 Germany$4.9$1.4$6.3 France$3.8$1.2$5.0 India$3.1$1.3$4.4 Russia *$1.1 * Estimated (not BEA reported) U.S. TOTAL $116.1$36.6$152.7 (r ) = revised
9 Travel Market Insights Arrivals + Spending by CCR
10 Travel Market Insights Spending/Visitor/Trip 2011 on Travel Within the U.S. Only
11 Travel Market Insights Arrivals + Spend + Spend/Visitor/Trip Strongest
12 Travel Market Insights Spending/Visitor/Day 2011
13 Travel Market Insights Arrivals + Spend + Spend/Visitor/Trip +Spend/Visitor/Day
14 Travel Market Insights Nights Spent in USA 2011
15 Travel Market Insights Arrivals + Spend + Spend/V/T + Spend/V/D+ Nights in USA
16 Travel Market Insights Purpose of Trip - Leisure (multiple Response)
17 Travel Market Insights Arrivals+Spend+Spend/V/T+Spend/V/D+Nights+ Leisure Traveler
18 Travel Market Insights Visit Cultural + Ethnic Heritage Sites
19 Travel Market Insights Base CCR + Visit Cultural + Ethnic Heritage Sites
20 Travel Market Insights Percent of Visitors that Shopped while in USA
21 Travel Market Insights Ave. Spending on Shopping/Visitor/Trip
22 Travel Market Insights Base + Shopping (%) + Shopping ($)
23 Travel Market Insights Percent going to Amusement/Theme Park
24 Travel Market Insights Base + Amusement/Theme Park
25 Travel Market Insights Percent Touring Countryside and Visiting Small Towns
26 Travel Market Insights Percent Rented a Car in 2011
27 Travel Market Insights CCR BASE + Touring Small Towns and Countryside
28 Travel Market Insights Visit Historical Places + Visit National Parks
29 Travel Market Insights Base CCR + Visit Historical Places + National Parks
30 Travel Market Insights Percent Change in Arrivals 2011 to 2017
31 Travel Market Insights Base CCR Arrivals
32 Travel Market Insights Share of Total Overseas Arrivals Traditional vs. BRIC % vs. 12% % vs. 21%
33 Travel Market Insights Conclusions Take Away: 1.BRIC markets will need to be part of your future portfolio 2.Traditional markets are not going away 3.Market research is more than just arrivals 4.Partner Partner Partner
34 Travel Market Insights Questions/Comments? Contact: Scott Johnson, Principal, Travel Market Insights, (518) , or at:
35 Travel Market Insights Chinese visitors that shop – spend more.
36 Travel Market Insights Chinese Shoppers – pay by credit Based on U.S. Travelers that shopped while in U.S. in 2011.