Group Members In groups of 3 or 4 produce a 30 – 40 second introduction to a radio show for Oldham Community Radio to include: Show jingle (own composition or from a copyright-free source) Presenter introduction Greeting a studio guest who is an up and coming local comedian Response from studio guest Archive sound clip of comedian’s performance The introduction must show clear understanding of sound editing and mixing and conventions of radio.
Schools & Colleges strand 7am – 9am
Demographics: Voice type/Mode of address: Informal, Friendly, Light hearted, Loveable
Style of comedy/Demographics/Voice Type / mode of address / mini biography (back story) Funny, Story Teller Jokes Promoting your tour, Claire Smith Female age 19 dropped out of Oldham College to peruse comedy, started out at comedy open-mic clubs.
Ideas/Conventions: Lee playing guitar
She lives in Oldham, Touring at Oldham coliseum, went to Oldham collage, has an Oldham accent
Ideas conventions Fake laughter for archive clip; make it sound like you’re on microphone in archive clip
Engage them with jokes and light hearted convocation.