HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Preparing Highly Qualified APE Teachers Barry Lavay, CSU, Long Beach Rebecca Lytle, CSU, Chico Terry Rizzo CSU, San Bernardino National AAHPERD Tampa FL April 1, 2009
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Preparing the HQAPE: Outline Introduction: Rebecca- 10 min Purpose, Why, What, Process, Who Purpose, Why, What, Process, Who Highly Qualified APE Teacher Position Paper APAC/NCPERID Highly Qualified APE Teacher Position Paper APAC/NCPERID Who Is a HQ APE Teacher? Terry-10 min Requirements, Qualifications, Characteristics Requirements, Qualifications, Characteristics IDEA: Good News Bad News IDEA: Good News Bad News APAC/NCPERID’s Response APAC/NCPERID’s Response Content Knowledge & Skill: Barry- 15 min Examine Specific Content Knowledge & Skills Examine Specific Content Knowledge & SkillsSummary/Discussion
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo APAC - Purpose The purpose of the Adapted Physical Activity Council is to advocate and encourage programs, policies, standards, & research that will positively affect opportunities for physical activity & recreation available to individuals with disabilities. The Council will promote excellence in professional practices & preparation; enhance the knowledge base in physical activity and recreation for individuals with disabilities… The purpose of the Adapted Physical Activity Council is to advocate and encourage programs, policies, standards, & research that will positively affect opportunities for physical activity & recreation available to individuals with disabilities. The Council will promote excellence in professional practices & preparation; enhance the knowledge base in physical activity and recreation for individuals with disabilities…
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Why The Need? Inequity- Lack of Physical Education in No Child Left Behind (NCLB), 2001 Inequity- Lack of Physical Education in No Child Left Behind (NCLB), 2001 Requirements of Physical Education in IDEIA, 2004 Requirements of Physical Education in IDEIA, 2004 No state or national guidelines for “highly qualified” in APE No state or national guidelines for “highly qualified” in APE APAC- Adapted Physical Activity Council APAC- Adapted Physical Activity Council AAPAR - American Association for Physical Activity & Recreation AAPAR - American Association for Physical Activity & Recreation AAHPERD - American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation & Dance AAHPERD - American Alliance for Health Physical Education, Recreation & Dance Advocacy for quality Advocacy for quality
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo What To Do? An Idea Is Hatched.. Annual APAC meeting - AAHPERD Annual APAC meeting - AAHPERD Committee formed - Process begins 2006 Committee formed - Process begins 2006 “What is a highly qualified APE teacher? “What is a highly qualified APE teacher? Open ended question sent out to committee & others (University & practitioners) Open ended question sent out to committee & others (University & practitioners) Draft #1 begins… Draft #1 begins… NCPERID- comes on board NCPERID- comes on board Sent to committee for review… Sent to committee for review… New comments & ideas are integrated into the document through several revisions New comments & ideas are integrated into the document through several revisions
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Process Continues Focus group with 25 APE teachers- revisions Focus group with 25 APE teachers- revisions Focus group with all interested parties held at AAHPERD Revisions Focus group with all interested parties held at AAHPERD Revisions Final draft submitted to committee for review Final draft submitted to committee for review Final, final draft submitted to APAR for acceptance Final, final draft submitted to APAR for acceptance Reformatting required Reformatting required
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Who Is It For? What Next? Administrators Administrators Directors of Special Education Programs Directors of Special Education Programs University faculty developing training programs University faculty developing training programs Adapted Physical Education Specialists Adapted Physical Education Specialists General Physical Education Specialists General Physical Education Specialists Presentations at conferences, web posting, articles ate=positionpapers.html This presentation has been submitted to JOPERD This presentation has been submitted to JOPERD
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo But Who Is a Highly Qualified APE Teacher? Knowledge of pedagogy & the ability to teach effectively to enhance student achievement Knowledge of pedagogy & the ability to teach effectively to enhance student achievement What is meant by student achievement? What is meant by student achievement? High levels of physical & motor fitness, skills in aquatics, games, rhythms, dance, sport skills and the use of leisure time to engage in vigorous health- related physical activity consistent with their capabilities High levels of physical & motor fitness, skills in aquatics, games, rhythms, dance, sport skills and the use of leisure time to engage in vigorous health- related physical activity consistent with their capabilities
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo But Who Is a Highly Qualified APE Teacher? A highly qualified APE teacher will have skills in explicit teacher led, cognitive strategy instruction (see Rosenshine, 1997, Issues in educating students with disabilities.)
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo But Who Is a Highly Qualified APE Teacher? These individuals will have: A degree in kinesiology with a specialization in pedagogy with a particular focus of attention in adapted physical activity and graduate from a recognized subject matter program in adapted physical education A degree in kinesiology with a specialization in pedagogy with a particular focus of attention in adapted physical activity and graduate from a recognized subject matter program in adapted physical education Content knowledge about assessment, individualized educational planning, effective teaching, and evaluation of teaching effectiveness via student achievement. Content knowledge about assessment, individualized educational planning, effective teaching, and evaluation of teaching effectiveness via student achievement.
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo But Who Is a Highly Qualified APE Teacher? Hidden Characteristics: Teaching personality of an adapted physical educator should match the culture of the school and the population of students with whom s/he teaches. Teaching personality of an adapted physical educator should match the culture of the school and the population of students with whom s/he teaches. Demonstrate the maturity associated with working as a member of an educational team and have consultative skills to work with colleagues from other academic areas & parents along the continuum of alternative class placements that appear in public schools. Demonstrate the maturity associated with working as a member of an educational team and have consultative skills to work with colleagues from other academic areas & parents along the continuum of alternative class placements that appear in public schools.
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo But Who Is a Highly Qualified APE Teacher? The most important qualification is a commitment to student achievement as it relates to health-related physical education.
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA) 2004 P.L Good news: Good news: Physical Education remains in definition of special education Physical Education remains in definition of special education Bad news: Bad news: No definition of a qualified physical educator No definition of a qualified physical educator No definition of a qualified adapted physical educator or adapted physical educator No definition of a qualified adapted physical educator or adapted physical educator No definition of an appropriate APE teacher preparation program No definition of an appropriate APE teacher preparation program
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo APAC/NCPERID’s Response Highly qualified adapted physical educators have: Highly qualified adapted physical educators have: 1) A bachelor’s degree in physical education teacher education AND state license to teach physical education. 2) A minimum of 12 semester hours specifically addressing the educational needs of students with disabilities with a minimum of 9 units specific to the area of adapted physical education 3) A minimum of 150 hours of practicum experience. 4) Graduated from an academic program that meet the standards for Adapted Physical Education.
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo APAC/NCPERID’s APE Program Endorsements ‘Add on’ APE credentials to State licensure for the teaching of physical education (bachelor's degree is minimum degree requirement) ‘Add on’ APE credentials to State licensure for the teaching of physical education (bachelor's degree is minimum degree requirement) Endorsement criteria include, but may not be limited to meeting: Endorsement criteria include, but may not be limited to meeting: Specific Professional Preparation Requirements Specific Professional Preparation Requirements Practicum/Field experiences with minimum requirements Practicum/Field experiences with minimum requirements Specific Subject Matter Content Guidelines Specific Subject Matter Content Guidelines
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Identify Specific Comprehensive Content Knowledge & Skill PE subject matter content -Safety Disability studies Assessment-report writing Special education law-IEP Individual teaching & learning styles Behavior management Collaboration/consultation Advocacy-inclusion practices Community & family resources Professional leadership Assistive technology
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo PE Subject Matter Content Knowledge Roles & Responsibilities include: Direct Service-Collaboration-Advocate Legislation IDEA - PE Definition Legislation IDEA - PE Definition Training- strong PE knowledge base Training- strong PE knowledge base NASPE National Standards NASPE National Standards APENS APENS State & District Policies: APE Guidelines in California Public Schools State Standards State & District Policies: APE Guidelines in California Public Schools State Standards
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, RizzoSafety First & Foremost: District policy District policy Facilities & equipment Facilities & equipment Student’s present level Student’s present level Student files Student files Medications Medications Contraindication activities Contraindication activities Severe disabilities - medically fragile Severe disabilities - medically fragile Physical but also psychological harm Physical but also psychological harm
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Disability Study disability categories recognized by IDEA Programming for varying disabilities Contraindications of activity Resources (i.e., disability organizations sport organizations)
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Assessment for Student Service Qualification & Report Writing Knowledge of a variety of assessment tools preschool to adult Knowledge of a variety of assessment tools preschool to adult No single test exists to meet all needs No single test exists to meet all needs Effective report writing Effective report writing provide effective placement & instruction provide effective placement & instruction
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Special Education Law IEP Legislation: IDEIA & application: Timelines for referrals qualifying students for services Timelines for referrals qualifying students for services IEP & report writing IEP & report writing Access & equity Access & equity Protect students & district Protect students & district
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Individual Teaching & Learning Styles Individual Teaching & Learning Styles Teaching Styles Teaching Styles Curriculum & instruction models: Curriculum & instruction models: Developmental Approach Developmental Approach Top-down Approach Top-down Approach (functional- CBI- transition-lifespan) Ecological Task Analysis Ecological Task Analysis Multisensory approach Multisensory approach Inclusion: peer tutors Inclusion: peer tutors Adapt/Modify Creative power to imagine (Sherrill, 2004)
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Behavior Management Behavior Management Behavior Positive Support (BPS) Eclectic Approach: Proactive methods – rules, routines, orientation Proactive methods – rules, routines, orientation Increase behaviors Increase behaviors Redirect or decrease behaviors Redirect or decrease behaviors Psychodynamic approach Psychodynamic approach Student Responsibility Student Responsibility Nontraditional methods Nontraditional methods Severe: BIP Severe: BIP
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Collaboration/Consultation Not Just a Direct Service Provider! Communicate the APE job role for student learning Communicate the APE job role for student learning Respect, communicate & work effectively with other professionals Respect, communicate & work effectively with other professionals Willingness to share/listen, learn from others Willingness to share/listen, learn from others Respected professional Respected professional Good public relations Good public relations
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, RizzoAdvocacy Awareness in schools/community- “Ability Awareness Day” Awareness in schools/community- “Ability Awareness Day” Inclusion/normalization: promote a culture of inclusion Inclusion/normalization: promote a culture of inclusion Promote physical activity & sport opportunities in/out of school Promote physical activity & sport opportunities in/out of school Family/staff support Family/staff support Resource to other Resource to other “Voice” for your students
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Community & Family Resources Advocate, support, educate & resource in school & community Advocate, support, educate & resource in school & community Effective family communication can occur many ways: Effective family communication can occur many ways: Introductory class letter Introductory class letter Questionnaires Questionnaires Behavior notes Behavior notes Homework Homework Progress reports Progress reports Newsletters Newsletters Meetings Meetings
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Professional Leadership Join & volunteer in professional Join & volunteer in professionalorganizations Stay Current Stay Current Resourceful Resourceful Share & learn from others Share & learn from others Inservice meetings & conferences Inservice meetings & conferences Willing to grow & change Willing to grow & change “Make Things Happen” “Make Things Happen”
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Assistive Technology Knowledge of devices for communication, positioning, mobility, stability, & sport recreation screen readers screen readers bolsters or wedges bolsters or wedges walkers & wheelchairs walkers & wheelchairs prosthetics prosthetics mobile standers, or mobile standers, or specialized sport equipment specialized sport equipment
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Summary/Discussion Ongoing continuous process - constantly evolving Ongoing continuous process - constantly evolving Strive to grow professional Strive to grow professional Reflection Reflection Philosophy a road map toward being a HQAPE Philosophy a road map toward being a HQAPE
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Share With the Group Your Thoughts Discussion
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Checklist for Highly Qualified APE Teacher/Program ____ My district/county has an APE teacher. ____ My district/county has an APE teacher. ____I know who the assigned APE teacher serving my school should I need assistance. ____I know who the assigned APE teacher serving my school should I need assistance. ____The APE teacher in my school has a BA/BS in teaching PE. ____The APE teacher in my school has a BA/BS in teaching PE. ____The APE teacher in my school has 12+ semester hours of coursework related specifically to teaching PE with individuals with disabilities. ____The APE teacher in my school has 12+ semester hours of coursework related specifically to teaching PE with individuals with disabilities. ____The APE teacher in my school was trained in a college program that is based on Standards for APE (State or National Standards) ____The APE teacher in my school was trained in a college program that is based on Standards for APE (State or National Standards)
HQ APE: Lavay, Lytle, Rizzo Checklist for Highly Qualified APE Teacher/Program ____ The APE teacher serving my school had preservice training in the age group they are currently working with. ____ The APE teacher serving my school had preservice training in the age group they are currently working with. ____I have ample equipment for each student to participate in my program. ____I have ample equipment for each student to participate in my program. ____I have ample facilities/space for instruction of quality PE for all my students including students with disabilities. ____I have ample facilities/space for instruction of quality PE for all my students including students with disabilities. ____I am familiar with all students with disabilities in my program & have seen their files (IEP’s) & know of any medical considerations when teaching ____I am familiar with all students with disabilities in my program & have seen their files (IEP’s) & know of any medical considerations when teaching