Twice Exceptional Kids An Introduction to Dual Exceptionality Charles McEvoy / SSM
Why a Bee? A fable to ponder. Author unknown.
Who are 2E students? Remain a major group of underserved and under-stimulated youth (Cline, 1999) Significant discrepancy between measured academic potential and actual performance in the classroom (Whitmore & Maker, 1985)
Assessment Problematic Children with disabilities often use their intelligence to circumvent their disability.
By definition: Students who are identified as gifted and talented in one or more areas of exceptionality, and also identified with a disability defined by Federal/State eligibility criteria.
Additionally Have the potential to perform well beyond the norm of their peers. Asynchronous learners
3 Suggested Groups (Brody & Mills, 1997) 1. Gifted, but able to compensate well enough to avoid diagnosis as learning disabled. 2. Gifted whose learning disabilities are severe enough to classify them as being impaired, but whose intellectual giftedness is overlooked. 3. Children whose gifted aptitude and learning disabilities mask each other.
Some Common Characteristics Cognitive Organizational Social / Emotional
Instructional Models 1. Inclusion in the regular education classroom with gifted and Learning Resource Center consult. 2. Inclusion in the regular education classroom with pull-out for Learning Resource Center and gifted classes. 3. 2E self-contained classroom in the student’s home school district. 4. Private placement.
What Is / Is Not Inclusive Education: 1. IS 2. IS NOT
What Works Best: Works best for all!! Instructional Environmental Access
Resources: 1. Twice Exceptional Kids (Callard-Szulgit, 2008) Rowman & Littlefield Education 2. Successful Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students (Besnoy, 2006) Prufrock Press Inc. 3. Teaching Strategies for Twice-Exceptional Students (Winebrenner, 2003) Intervention in School & Clinic