Cape Primary School Digital Resources Quality Assurance Cynthia Pinner
Cape Primary School
ICT Resources Interactive whiteboards Pupil workstations Computer suites Video conferencing Home-school loan PC’s Learning Gateway Digital resources
What do we want? One-stop resource shop Quality resources Child-centred Needs met User-friendly Value for money Autonomous assessment Set resource data Objective assessment against given resource Records –data set
Needs Analyst CommissionerProducerPublisher Retailer Fulfilment Agent Educator Pupil National Curriculum DfES [2003,a] DfES [2003,a] The Value Chain for Digital Learning Content in England Curriculum Online.
We’ll do it our way! Class School Intra-cluster Inter-cluster National Wider audience Teacher authors digital learning objects Trial in the classroom evaluate & Improve Quality Control Panel Review Adapt as required Devolve to wider Audience
Quality Control Panel Objectives: To drive innovation in creating digital learning resources from and for the needs of our pupils To promote digital learning through the school website and SESLP Learning Gateway To promote inclusion through the use of digital learning resources To foster collaboration between schools through the use of shared resources
Identification of Needs against the following criteria: National Curriculum Programmes of Study Study Level and Year group targeting Specific learning objective & learning outcome, Best current practice i.e. Excellence and Enjoyment Existing resources of quality & appropriacy Subject leadership moderation
Identification of Pupil Needs Differentiation requirements – Normal Distribution against previous knowledge SEN requirements EAL requirements Composition appropriate to learning objective and outcome for specified end-users “Adaptive navigation” The ability to move through the learning object according to user needs. (Gallenson et al, 2002)
Documentation: Some instructions may be necessary: Planning structure [teacher] Design / application notes [teacher] Defined user [teacher/parent/pupil] Instructions [teacher/parent/pupil] Suggestions for alternative use
Designed to meet teacher and pupil needs by: Modelling concepts / processes Increasing resources e.g E-books: fiction / non-fiction / reference Concept reinforcement / Skill drill Increasing experiences – virtual experience of the world Stimulus e.g. picture slide shows Targeting learning styles Enabling SEN / EAL pupils Teacher time-saver resources :Phonics assessment Early Years Profiles Cape Digital Resources
What I’ve learnt from research Published educational software is generally about what curriculum needs to be taught Teacher authored resources deal with the more important issue of how the curriculum needs to be taught Teachers who author examine their own practice more closely