Understanding Death & Grief Lesson 4
Different kinds of Loss Rejection Rejection Break ups Break ups Poor performance- Poor performance- school, job, athletics or missed opportunities Death of a family Death of a family member, friend or pet.
The Grieving Process Coping- is dealing successfully with difficult changes in your life. Greif Response- is an individuals total response to a major loss.
Stages of Grieving 1. Denial or numbness- one can not believe the loss occurred. This process protects the person from being totally overwhelmed. 2. Emotional Release- happens when one recognizes the loss and involves periods of crying (important to the healing process) 3. Anger- a person feels powerless and unfairly deprived.
More Stages of Grieving 4. Bargaining- the person may promise to change if what was lost is returned. 5. Depression- More than natural sadness, feelings of isolation, alienation, and hopelessness 6. Remorse- thoughts of what they could have done to prevent the loss
Stages of Grieving continued 7. Acceptance- a sense of power as the person faces reality and begins to deal with the reality. 8. Hope- When the reminder becomes less painful and one can look to the future.
Coping with death, disaster and crisis Mourning- the act of showing sorrow and grief. Spend time with others and talk about your feelings. Get back into a daily routine. Maintain good eating habits, exercise and sleep. Give back to the community. Ex. Clean up, or fund raiser.
Discussiontopics What is the difference of coping with sudden death and a death resulting from a long term illness?
Project Draw or sketch pictures to represent each stage of the grieving process using a separate sheet for each stage.