What is a Balance Life for You?
HEALTH AND WELLNESS Health is a combination of physical, mental/emotional, and social being. These part of your health work together to build good overall health.
PHYSICAL HEALTH Physical Health is the condition of your body. It is measured by what you do as well as what you don’t do.
MENTAL AND EMOTIONAL HEALTH It is the condition of the mind – your thoughts and your feelings It is measured by the way you think and express your feelings
SOCIAL HEALTH It is the condition of how you relate and work with other people It is measured by how you get along with others
HEALTHY HABITS & WELLNESS WELLNESS – is a state of well-being, or total health. HABIT – a pattern of behavior that you follow almost without thinking. GOOD HEALTH HABITS Choosing healthy foods Participating in regular physical activity Learning how to handle stress Getting along with others
NERVOUS SYSTEM A SYSTEM that coordinates the voluntary and involuntary actions of the animal and transmits signals between different parts of its body. Consists 2 main parts, the central nervous system (CNS) and the peripheral nervous system (PNS).central nervous systemperipheral nervous system The CNS contains the brain and spinal cord.brainspinal cord The PNS consists mainly of nerves, which are long fibers that connect the CNS to every other part of the body.nerves The PNS includes motor neurons, mediating voluntary movementmotor neurons
NEURONS Also known as nerve cell It is an excitable cell that processes and transmits information through electrical and chemical signals.cell The core components of the nervous system,nervous system Ex: sensory neurons respond to touch, sound, light and numerous other stimuli affecting cells of the sensory organs that then send signals to the spinal cord and brain. Motor neurons receive signals from the brain and spinal cord, cause muscle contractions, and affect glands. sensory neuronssensory organsMotor neuronsmuscle contractionsglands
ENDOCRINE SYSTEM The system of glands, each of which secretes different types of hormones directly into the bloodstream. Some of which are transported along nerve tracts to maintain homeostasis.glandssecreteshormoneshomeostasis Greek words "endo" meaning inside, within, and "crinis" for secrete. Effects are slow to initiate, and prolonged in their response, lasting from a few hours up to weeks. Hormones are substances released from endocrine tissue into the bloodstream where they travel to target tissue and generate a response. Hormones regulate various human functions, including metabolism, growth and development, tissue function, sleep, and moodmetabolismgrowth and developmenttissuesleepmood
HOW HORMONES WORK a chemical released by a cell, a gland, or an organ in one part of the body that affects cells in other parts of the organism. PITUITARY GLAND – the master gland that releases hormones
PITUITARY GLAND Or hypophysis, is an endocrine gland. endocrine gland It is functionally connected to the hypothalamus hypothalamus It secretes nine hormones that regulate homeostasis.hormoneshomeostasis
NERVOUS & ENDOCRINE They act as co-directors of all of the activities that occur in your body. They monitor the well-being of each of the billions of cells in your body. They continuously take action through messenger systems to keep all of your cells as healthy as possible.
HOW NERVOUS SYSTEM WORKS? senses and controls every part of your body through its many nerves sensory receptors register pain quickly information travels through nerves to reach brain - brain understands that your hand is in danger of being injured – brain sends information down other nerves that tells your muscles to jerk your hand away from the pan.
HOW ENDOCRINE WORKS? monitors and controls the well-being of your cells via your circulatory system When blood volume decreases for any reason (like dehydration), your endocrine system will sense this and call your kidneys, liver, lungs, adrenal glands, and blood vessels to action, with the end result being an increase in blood volume.
THE TWO SYSTEM TEAMWORK Your nervous system uses sensory receptors, nerves, and your brain to monitor and control the well-being of all of your cells, while your endocrine system uses your blood circulatory system to accomplish the same thing. Your nervous system operates at lightning speed, while your endocrine system generally works more slowly to create changes in your biochemistry.
Strands of One Big Web Your nervous and endocrine systems are highly interdependent in behavior, much like all the strands of a spider web are intimately connected in stability and behavior. The interdependent relationship between your nervous and endocrine systems begins in a tiny area of tissue in your brain called your hypothalamus.
HYPOTHALAMUS Your hypothalamus is only about as large as a grape, and can be viewed as the micro- processing chip that controls almost all of your body's external and internal activities. Your hypothalamus receives information from all of the major areas of your brain, your major organs, and your eyes, and it registers sensations like pain, temperature, hunger, thirst, lust, stress, fear, and anger.
ASSESSMENT 1. How important is the Nervous System in your daily life activity? 2. How important is the Endocrine System to in daily life activity? 3. How to take care of your two body systems?
GROUP PROJECT Group yourselves into 2 or 3 members Prepare a Project Presentation using Power Point. Save your work in your flash drive and give it to me Friday Morning (week after next) Present it within 3-5 minutes only (each group).
GROUP PROJECT (GIRLS) 1. Nervous System – 12, 27, 23, 19 (EP1/15) 2. Pituitary Gland – 30, 21, 20, 24 (EP 1/16) 3. Thyroid Gland – 16, 18, 28, 27 (EP 1/16) 4. Parathyroid Gland – 16, 13, 24 (EP 1/15) 5. Adrenal Gland – 22, 29, 17, 26 (EP 1/16) 6. Pineal Gland – 20, 22, 29 (EP 1/15) 7. Pancreatic Gland – 23, 19, 25, 20 (EP 1/16) 8. Gonads – 15, 30, 26, 14 (EP 1/15) 9. Prepare one Q&A for 1-4 topics 21, 17, 25 (1/15) 10. Prepare one Q&A for 5-8 topics 11, 18, 28 (1/15)
GROUP PROJECT (BOYS) 1. Nervous System – 8 (1/15) 3 (1/16) 2. Pituitary Gland – 9, 10 (1/15) 3. Thyroid Gland – 2, 3, 5 (1/15) 4. Parathyroid Gland – 7, 11, 13 (1/16) 5. Adrenal Gland – 1, 4 (1/15) 6. Pineal Gland – 2, 6, 9 (1/16) 7. Pancreatic Gland – 5, 14, 15 (1/16) 8. Gonads – 8, 4 (1/16) 9. Prepare one Q&A for 1-4 topics 10, 12, 1 (1/16) 10. Prepare one Q&A for 5-8 topics 6, 7 (1/15)