Titration of fats LO: To set up titration; and record all results to find out amount of bromine water needed to saturate a range of oils and fats
Titration of fats with bromine water Apparatus you will need Small Measuring cylinder – to measure 5cm 3 of volasil Conical flask Weighing scales Burette – with bromine water Funnel Clamp and stand Sample of fat or oil to test Pen and paper to record results Use a measuring cylinder to add 5cm 3 of volasil to a 250cm 3 conical flask. 1.Weigh: Mass of flask + Volasil = ………g (write this down) 2.Add a small sample of the oil or fat (about five drops of oil or a pea sized piece of fat) 3.Weigh: flask + volasil + fat/oil = …………………..g 4. (write this down) 5.calculate the mass of oil or fat 6.Shake thoroughly to dissolve fat/oil. 7.Set up a burette with clamp and stand; use a funnel to fill it with bromine water 8.Add 0.5 cm 3 bromine water at a time. Shake thoroughly after each addition. The yellow colour disappears after shaking. 9.Continue adding bromine water and shaking until the yellow colour of the bromine does not disappear. This is the end point. The solution is saturated with bromine. 10.Record the amount of bromine water added