Unit G2- Changing Human Environments 50% AS level or 25% A level Theme 1- Investigating population Change Theme 2- Investigating Settlement Change in MEDC 25% AS level or 12.5% A level
Unit G2 -1 hour 30 minutes exam - 3 compulsory structured questions - Make full use of examples in support of answer - One question will test research or fieldwork skills.
Investigating population change
Unit G2- Theme 1 Key Questions 1.What is demographic/ population change? 2.How and why do populations change naturally? 3.What is the role of migration in population change? 4.What are the issues of the migration of refugees and asylum seekers? 5.What are the causes and impacts of changing gender structures? E.g. china ‘one child’ policy. 6.What are the demographic/ population challenges facing countries?