TAREAS INGLES De de Febrero 2015
Primero de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos Primero de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos MONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESD AY THURSDAYFRIDAY NO CLASSES Answer the following worksheet. Write and draw the names of the colors that the rainbow has. Escriba y dibuje los nombres de los colores del arcoíris. Translate the following words. Traducir las siguientes palabras. Body Head Toe Finger Nose Hand Foot Eye Knee Arm Hair Leg Ear
Segundo ‘A’ Y ‘B’ de primaria Maestra: Yazmin Carrera MONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAYFRIDAY Study the next vocabulary: *Shoes *Sandals *Boots *Slippers *Socks *Hat *Skirt *Pyjamas *Cardigan *Short *Hoodie *Coat *Dress *High heels *Belt *Jacket Homewrok #2 English Log What are you wearing today: I’m wearing ______________ ______________ _________ Study the next vocabulary (and translate) *Does it fit? *It’s too big *It’s too loose *It’s too long *It’s too small *It’s to tight * It’s too short Answer the worksheet Homework #2 English Log
Tercero de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama LUNESMARTESMIÈRCOLESJUEVESVIERNES Look in the dictionary for three new words with -st- and three with -str-. Draw a picture to illustrate each word. Search for three words into (English) sign language. Study vocabulary.Make a brochure using the information of the chart and the modal verb SHOULD. Remember to illustrate the information of the brochure drawing a picture or pasting an image.
Cuarto de primaria Teacher: Pablo Adrián Ángeles Guaderrama LUNESMARTESMIÈRCOLESJUEVESVIERNES Look in the dictionary for three new words with - st- and three with - str-. Draw a picture to illustrate each word. Search for three words into (English) sign language. Study vocabulary.Make a brochure using the information of the chart and the modal verb SHOULD. Remember to illustrate the information of the brochure drawing a picture or pasting an image.
Quinto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos. LUNESMARTESMIÈRCOLESJUEVESVIERNES Create a poster of your city with photos of local attractions that you go to. Investigate how it was in the 1500 in London. 1 full pg. NO PRINTING. Create a poster of Cd. Juarez and the things they will change to make it a perfect city. Study vocabulary
Sexto de primaria Teacher: Miguel Ángel Cedillos. MONDAYTUESDAY WEDNESD AY THURSDAYFRIDAY NO CLASSES Create a car from recycled material. Investigat e about recycling materials. 1 full pg. no printing. Create a poster about how recycling can help our future. Make a poster of the periodic table.