Figure 6-4
Figure 6-8
Figure 6-11
W lamp W filament vacuum valence electrons in solid are excited by heat, relax to GS, and give off light
W lamp From: Olsen, Modern Optical Methods of Analysis, p.110, McGraw-Hill, New York, Wien displacement law: max T = 2.90x 103 K∙ m Stefan’s law: E T = T 4
Figure 6-13
Figure 7-10 Line emission spectra of hydrogen, mercury, and neon. Excited gaseous elements produce characteristic spectra that can be used to identify element as well as to determine how much element is present in a sample. Kotz and Treichel, Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 3 rd ed., p.326, Saunders College Publishing, New York, 1996.
electric discharge lamp fill gas – H 2, D 2, Hg, Na, Ne, etc. valence electrons in gaseous atoms are excited by electrical E, relax to GS, and give off light
Figure 6-14
Figure 7-13 Kotz and Treichel, Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, 3 rd ed., p.331, Saunders College Publishing, New York, Paschen series
Figure 6-17
Figure 6-20
Figure 6-23
Figure 6-24
Figure 6-18 Orbital Energy Levels in Hydrogen Atom one electron system
Figure 6-25 Orbital energy levels in many-electron atoms.
Figure 6-30
Figure 6-31