Jessica Ferrell Mrs. Pugh Advanced English 12 September 9, 2009 B IG T HREE B AILOUT ? NO
W HY ? To keep the economy from going deeper in debt Owners don’t know how to spend the money $$ Ford, GM, and Chrysler will not make fuel efficient cars
O WNERS Take money for executive bonuses Refuse to arrive in eco-friendly cars
O WNERS Robert Nardelli, Chrysler Rick Wagoner, GM Alan Mulally, Ford
O WNERS When The Big Three owners arrived in Washington, D.C. to ask for more money they came in on private jets Gulfstream IV
F UEL E FFICIENCY The Big Three refuses to make fuel efficient cars They make big gas guzzling vehicles that are not turning a profit People demand a vehicle with better gas mileage as prices for gas continue to rise
C ARS & T RUCKS Pickups and SUV are a major profit loss Pick ups and SUVs do not get good gas mileage and the cost of gas is rising
O UR ECONOMY With our economy struggling we seriously need to keep all the money we can get People are losing their jobs Cost of living is going up
MONEY The Big Three have problems dealing with money they tend to: Buy executive planes Keep money for executive bonuses
E MPLOYEES Because The Big Three is struggling its having to layoff workers Employees are struggling when they are laid off because money is tight
W AGES The Big Three Pays workers $70 dollars an hour Foreign Competition Pays workers $45 to $48 dollars an hour
M ONEY L OSS GM has spent 2 billion dollars getting rid of Oldsmobile Ford lost 14.6 billion dollars Chrysler has the largest profit lost Can we really trust The Big Three with more money?
B AILOUT By bailing out companies like The Big Three and Wall Street it shows other companies in financial trouble that the United States will bail them out too!!
W HERE IS THE MONEY COMING FROM ? The money used to bailout business comes from YOU Paying taxes
W HERE HAS OUR MONEY GONE ? Goes to the owners of the auto industry United Auto Workers (UAW) Former Employees who are under a contract
W HERE SHOULD IT GO ? People who severely need help Retirement Medicaid Schools
W HAT CAN WE DO ? We as citizens can ask the government to stop spending money on the auto industry The U.S. has more serious problems to deal with
Should we bailout The Big Three?