Technology Day on RDI Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation (OP R&DI) October 19, 2009
Presentation content Operational Program Research and Development for Innovation – basic facts; OP R&DI – Selected Strategy; OP R&DI – Priority Axes and Allocations; OP R&DI – Supported Activities; OP R&DI – Current State of Implementation.
Operational Programme Research and Development for Innovation The global objective of the OP R&DI is to strengthen the research, development and innovation potential of the Czech Republic that shall contribute to its economic growth, competitiveness and to the creation of highly qualified workplaces so that the Czech regions can become important locations for the concentration of these activities within Europe. Managing Authority: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports; Total financial allocation: 2,436 billion EUR; Beneficiaries: research organisations (definition of the Community Framework for State Aid for Research & Development and Innovation (2006/C 323/01), Article 2.2., Letter d;) Adopted by the EC in September 2008.
OP R&DI – Selected Strategy
OP R&DI – Priority Axes and Allocations PO1: Centres of excellence – 806 mil. EUR; PO2: Regional R&D Centres – 806 mil. EUR; PO3: Commercialisation and popularisation of R&D – 250 mil. EUR; PO4: Infrastructure for university education related to research – 487 mil. EUR.
Priority Axis 1 – European Centers of Excellence Centre of Excellence a research centre equipped with modern, often unique infrastructure producing, on international scale, outstanding research results, including results that can be applied in practice. These centres create strong strategic partnerships with prestigious research laboratories (both private and public) in the Czech Republic and abroad. Partnerships help to enhance the integration of Czech R&D teams with leading international research organizations and European research infrastructures. Call June 1 – November , allocation 17 bil. CZK.
Priority Axis 2 – Regional R&D Centers Regional R&D Centre application-oriented workplaces with developed cooperation and strong bonds with partners from the application sphere (enterprises, mainly SME, and other subjects and result users); their activities will enhance regional competitiveness and potential to export goods, services and know-how. Calls Dec – April , allocation: 6 bil. CZK (excl June – November , allocation: 11 bil. CZK
Priority Axis 3 – Commercialisation and popularisation of R&D Establishment and development of Science-Learning Centres and Popularisation Centres. Establishment and development of Information infrastructures for R&D. Calls: end of 2009 Establishment and development of technology transfer offices (TTOs) within research organisations. Development of new elements of evaluation and strategic governance of R&D policy (improvement of the evaluation system of research organisations)
Priority Axis 4 – Infrastructure for university education related to research Development of a quality infrastructure of universities with the purpose of increasing the capacity of tertiary education and creating conditions for the improvement of the quality of education (prerequisite for a necessary quantitative and qualitative increase in supply of human resources for research and innovation). Call August – December , allocation: 10 bil. CZK
OP R&DI – Current State of Implementation 3 open calls, 1 closed; Total allocation: 44 bil. CZK; Results of the first call (6 bil. CZK): o 44 projects, o Requested allocation: 23,6 bil. CZK, o 8 selected projects, 8 others on the reserve list, o Areas of research: environment and sustainable development, mechanical engeneering advanced technologies and innovation, material science, veterinary medicine, biotechnology, agriculture etc.
OP R&DI – Current State of Implementation Evaluation of projects 1.Submission of proposal 2.Formal evaluation and evaluation of eligibility 3.Expert evaluation a)Evaluation of application potential, incl. synergies and financial sustainability → Panel for Applications b)Evaluation of construction and technical aspects of proposals (1st level) c)Evaluation by international experts → International Panel d)Evaluation of construction and technical aspects of proposals (2nd level) e)Selection at the level of Managing Authority (Selection Committee) 4. Specification of performance parameters („negotiation“)
OP R&DI – Current State of Implementation Selected standard projects o NETME Centre (New Technologies for Mechanical Engineering), Brno University of Technology; o Centre for Advanced Microbiology and Immunology Research in Veterinary Medicine Research, Institute of Veterinary Medicine, Brno; o Centre for Nanomaterials, Advanced Technologies and Innovation, Technical University Liberec; o CETOCOEN (Centre for study of toxic substances), Masaryk University Brno; o Regional Materials Science and Technology Centre, Technical University Ostrava ); o Biomedicine for Regional Development and Human Resources (BIOMEDREG), Palacky university Olomouc; o Application Laboratories of Advanced Microtechnologies and Nanotechnologies, Institute of Scientific Instruments AS CR, Brno; o Centre of the Region Hana for Biotechnological and Agricultural Research, Palacky university Olomouc.
OP R&DI – Current State of Implementation Major Projects ELI - The Extreme Light Infrastructure Multi-beam, multi-purpose ELI laser facility, ultra-high-peak power, ultra short pulse and exawatt class laser system. CEITEC - Central European Institute of technology Biosciences, biomedicine and advanced materials and technologies. BIOCEV Molecular Genetics & Cell Biology, Immunology & Tumor Biology, Protein and Cell Engineering. IT4Innovations IT4People (Information Technology for People), SC4Simulations (Supercomputing for Simulations), EC4Innovations (Embedded Computing for Innovations), Theory4IT (Theory for Information Technology). Sustainable energy Nuclear and other physical and chemical processes for sustainable development, especially in power generation, subsequent development of safe and effective technologies for production of ecological energy. CVEVL - Centre for research of energetic exploitation of lithosphere Research of deep-seated geothermal energy with emphasis on its exploitation for production of electricity and heat. ALL PROJECTS WILL BE EVALUATED IN THE OPEN CALLS
Regional map - Major Projects CVEVL (Liberec) IT4I (Ostrava) CEITEC (Brno)BIOCEV (Vestec) Sustainable Energy (Plzen) ELI (Dolni Brezany) Sustainable Energy (Rez)
OP R&DI – Supported Activities Reconstruction, extension and development of the R&D capacities; Instrumentation, laboratory and information equipment and infrastructure for research and technological development; High quality, collaborative R&D projects (start-up grants); Projects for popularisation, promotion and publicity of science and technology; Establishment, development and operation of TT offices; Investments in the infrastructure for education and teaching at universities; Update and extension of the information infrastructure of universities necessary for research and training; Extensions of existing and construction of new academic library facilities (building new capacities only in justified cases, with a preference for projects targeting a higher number of users.
Thank you for your attention!