Topic 2 Videos DNA Structure & Function Transcription & Translation Mutations
Process Step 1: Watch the video once through without writing anything down Step 2: Watch the video again, pausing to write down important details Step 3: Watch the video a third time to fill in any gaps in your notes and to be sure you understand the concepts
Video 1 “DNA Structure,” 1:20 An animation showing the structure of DNA
Video 2 “DNA Transcription and Protein Assembly,” 3:08 An animation showing how DNA is used to build proteins
Video 3 “Transcription and Translation,” 4:06 A different take on the same info as Video 2. Watch it and fill in any gaps in your notes
Video 4 “DNA Mutation,” 1:20 Explains 3 types of point mutations and their impact on the protein.
Video 5 “Gene Mutation,” 0:36 Explains several causes of mutations.