中国. 中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享 Unit 8 Unit 8 Order.


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目录 上页 下页 返回 结束 二、无界函数反常积分的审敛法 * 第五节 反常积分 无穷限的反常积分 无界函数的反常积分 一、无穷限反常积分的审敛法 反常积分的审敛法  函数 第五章 第五章.
SCI 数据库检索练习参考 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 本练习完全依照 SCI 数据库实际检索过程而 实现。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读 者可以根据题目进行另外的检索练习,如: 可将 “ 与 ” 运算检索改为 “ 或 ” 、 “ 非 ” 运算检索 等等。 练习中,选择了可以举一反三的题目,读.
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Presentation transcript:

中国. 中学政治教学网崇尚互联共享 Unit 8 Unit 8 Order

I. Introduction

1. Definition of an Order An order is an offer to buy, and it is a common form of correspondence for obtaining specified goods or services. An order is an offer to buy, and it is a common form of correspondence for obtaining specified goods or services. It may result from an offer or an enquiry with subsequent quotations. It may result from an offer or an enquiry with subsequent quotations.

An order can be given by letter, telegram or telex, or orally at the meeting. An order can be given by letter, telegram or telex, or orally at the meeting. In international business, orders are always made in printed forms, which ensure that no important information will be neglected. In international business, orders are always made in printed forms, which ensure that no important information will be neglected. A buyer can use his own company ’ s form or he can fill out the seller ’ s form. Sometimes, a buyer might use a business letter to place his order. When writing an order letter, he must include all the specific contents to complete the order. A buyer can use his own company ’ s form or he can fill out the seller ’ s form. Sometimes, a buyer might use a business letter to place his order. When writing an order letter, he must include all the specific contents to complete the order.

The seller can either send a letter accepting the request and then supply the goods, or send back a counteroffer with different terms or even decline the order. The seller can either send a letter accepting the request and then supply the goods, or send back a counteroffer with different terms or even decline the order. If the order is an acceptance of a previous firm offer to sell, then it may be taken as part of the contract between the seller and the buyer, and the seller is obliged to supply goods under the stated terms. If the order is an acceptance of a previous firm offer to sell, then it may be taken as part of the contract between the seller and the buyer, and the seller is obliged to supply goods under the stated terms.

2. Important Components in an Order The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. An order should include: The essential qualities of an order are accuracy and clarity. An order should include: (1) Name of commodity, item number, specifications such as size and color; (2) Quantity or weight; (3) Price, including unit price and amount; (4) Package; (5) Date and method of shipment; (6) Terms of payment. (7) The name and address of both the buyer and the seller

3. Components of an Order Form The key components of an order form include: (1) Title (2) Number and date of the order (3) Exporter ’ s name and address (4) Contents, usually including ① Description ② Quantity ③ Packing ④ Payment ⑤ Shipment ⑥ Delivery ⑦ Shipping marks ⑧ Other terms (5) Signature (name of importer)

4. Contents of Letters about an Order Letters about an order include the letters on placing an order, letters on acknowledging an order and letters on declining an order. Letters about an order include the letters on placing an order, letters on acknowledging an order and letters on declining an order.

4.1 Letters on Placing an Order If we want to place an order, we should follow the basic skills in the following items. If we want to place an order, we should follow the basic skills in the following items. (1) State the order and number of order in the beginning, including the name of the commodity, number of the commodity, specifications, quantity, price, payment terms, packing, date and shipment, etc; (1) State the order and number of order in the beginning, including the name of the commodity, number of the commodity, specifications, quantity, price, payment terms, packing, date and method of shipment, etc;

(2) Repeat the commodity that you ordered, as well as the related information, such as the color, size, quantity, discount, etc. If there is the enclosed order form, repeat the name of commodity and the order number only; (3) Emphasize the payment terms and other related clauses, and remind the receiver to confirm it and make shipment as soon as possible according to the shipment requirements.

Letters on Acknowledging and Declining an Order The following basic rules should be followed when we accept or decline an order. The following basic rules should be followed when we accept or decline an order. (1) Express thanks for receiving the order in the beginning; (1) Express thanks for receiving the order in the beginning; (2) For acknowledging the order, repeat the main contents of the order, and make sure to deal with the order promptly and carefully; for declining the order, state the reasons politely and show optimism for future cooperation. (2) For acknowledging the order, repeat the main contents of the order, and make sure to deal with the order promptly and carefully; for declining the order, state the reasons politely and show optimism for future cooperation. (3) Encourage the further orders or cooperation. (3) Encourage the further orders or cooperation.

Packing 1. Introduction Packing is of great importance in foreign trade. It may be appropriately said that packing is to goods means what clothing is to man. The ultimate purpose of packing is to keep the transported goods in perfect condition with nothing missing on arrival. Packing is of great importance in foreign trade. It may be appropriately said that packing is to goods means what clothing is to man. The ultimate purpose of packing is to keep the transported goods in perfect condition with nothing missing on arrival.

国际贸易的货物种类繁多,性质、特点、形状 各异,对包装的要求各不相同。从是否需要包装来 看,可以分为三类: 国际贸易的货物种类繁多,性质、特点、形状 各异,对包装的要求各不相同。从是否需要包装来 看,可以分为三类: 裸装货 Nuded Cargo ( 货物品质较稳定,不易 受外界条件影响,难于包装或不需包装的货物,如 钢材、木材等 ) 裸装货 Nuded Cargo ( 货物品质较稳定,不易 受外界条件影响,难于包装或不需包装的货物,如 钢材、木材等 ) 散装货 Cargo in Bulk (货物散装在运输工具 上,如散装的石油、矿砂、粮食、煤炭等) 散装货 Cargo in Bulk (货物散装在运输工具 上,如散装的石油、矿砂、粮食、煤炭等) 包装货 Packed Cargo 包装货 Packed Cargo

Classification of Packing Good packing must be able to stand the roughest transportation. Packing divided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing 运输包装, 又称大包装或外包装 ) and sales packing (usually known as inner packing 销售包装,又称小包装或内 包装 ). Good packing must be able to stand the roughest transportation. Packing divided into transport packing (usually known as outer packing 运输包装, 又称大包装或外包装 ) and sales packing (usually known as inner packing 销售包装,又称小包装或内 包装 ).

Transport packing is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. It must not only be solid enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage, but also be pilferage-proof, easy to store, convenient to load and unload. Transport packing is done mainly to keep the goods safe and sound during transportation. It must not only be solid enough to prevent the packed goods from any damage, but also be pilferage-proof, easy to store, convenient to load and unload. ( 1 )按包装造型分为: ( 1 )按包装造型分为: 箱 cases 箱 cases 桶 drums 桶 drums 袋 bags 袋 bags 包 bales 包 bales 捆 bundles 等 捆 bundles 等

( 2 )按包装用材分为: 纸箱 cartons 纸箱 cartons 木箱 wooden cases 木箱 wooden cases 铁桶 iron drums 铁桶 iron drums 木桶 wooden casks 木桶 wooden casks 塑料桶 plastic casks 塑料桶 plastic casks 纸袋 paper bags 纸袋 paper bags 麻袋 gunny bags /jute bags 麻袋 gunny bags /jute bags 塑料袋 plastic bags 等 塑料袋 plastic bags 等

Sales packing is done mainly to push sales. It is now universally recognized as a decisive aid in selling goods. It can be realized in various forms and with different materials as long as it is nice to look at, easy to handle and helpful to the sales. Sales packing is done mainly to push sales. It is now universally recognized as a decisive aid in selling goods. It can be realized in various forms and with different materials as long as it is nice to look at, easy to handle and helpful to the sales.

2. Packing Marking of Goods 货物包装标志 Packing Marking (包装标志是指在运输包装外部书写、 压印、贴印、刷制的简单图形、文字和数字。) Packing Marking (包装标志是指在运输包装外部书写、 压印、贴印、刷制的简单图形、文字和数字。) Packing must be strictly marked. Conventionally, marks are classified into three categories: shipping marks, indicative marks and warning marks. Packing must be strictly marked. Conventionally, marks are classified into three categories: shipping marks, indicative marks and warning marks. (1) Shipping Marks (运输标志,习惯上称作唛头 marks ) (1) Shipping Marks (运输标志,习惯上称作唛头 marks ) Generally speaking, a shipping mark consists of : Generally speaking, a shipping mark consists of : (1)Simple geometric figure and consignor’s or consignee’s code name( 简单几何图形及收、发货人代号 ) ; (2)The place or port of destination( 目的地名称和代号 ) ; (3)Numbers of the packed goods ( 件号、批号 ). 此外,有的运输标志还包括原产地、合同号、许可证号、 信用证号和体积与重量等内容。 此外,有的运输标志还包括原产地、合同号、许可证号、 信用证号和体积与重量等内容。

(2) Indicative Marks (指示性标志 / 注意标志) Indicative marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods. Indicative marks are eye-catching figures and concise instructions concerning manner of proper handling, storing, loading and unloading of the packed goods. HANDLE WITH CARE FRAGILE , HANDLE WITH CARE GLASS WARE , HANDLE WITH CARE THIS SIDE UP THIS END UP


(3) Warning Marks (警告性标志 / 危险货物包装 标志) Warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warm people against the hidden danger of flammables, explosives and poisonous products. Warning marks are obvious symbols or words to warm people against the hidden danger of flammables, explosives and poisonous products. EXPLOSIVEFLAMMABLE


Letter 1 A First Order

 Language Points order n. 订单 fresh order 新订单 new order 新订单 initial order 初次(首次)订单 trial order 试订单 repeat order 续订单 duplicate order 重复订单 outstanding order 未完成订单 pending order 未完成订单

to accept an order 接受订单 to entertain an order 考虑并接受订单 to confirm an order 确认订单 to cancel an order 取消订单 to withdraw an order 取消订单to withdraw an order 取消订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单 to turn down an order 拒绝订单 to decline an order 拒绝 / 谢绝订单 to decline an order 拒绝 / 谢绝订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单 to fulfill an order 执行订单 to carry out an order 执行订单to carry out an order 执行订单 to execute an order 履行订单 to execute an order 履行订单

  Difference between repeat order & duplicate order   duplicate order :指与原订单除了交货期不同外,其它 交易条件与原来订单完全一致。   repeat order: 指与原订单除了装运期不同外,其它交易 条件(如价格、数量等)未必与原订单相同的订单。

find both quality and price satisfactory 认为质量和价格都令人满意 △ be satisfied with both the quality and price 认为质量和价格都令人满意

find a good market for (找到销路)畅销 Chinese green tea always finds a ready market in North America. 中国绿茶在北美总是畅销。

conform v. 符合;使一致 conform to 与 … 相一致 ; 与 … 相符合 This does not conform to the contract. 这与合同不符。 The quality must conform to the sample. 质量必须与样品一致。 conformity n. 符合;一致 be in conformity with 与 … 相一致;依照 Your proposal is not in conformity with our arrangements. 你方的建议与我们商定的办法不一致。 △ be in conformity to 与 … 相一致 △ be in accordance with 与 … 相一致 △ be in agreement with 与 … 相一致

Ex 5. Write an order letter with an order form covering the following contents: (1) 有意订购对方公司的某牌号摄像机、数码照相机、 MP3 (2) 数量 : 摄像机 1000 台 数码照相机 1000 台 MP 台 价格 : FOB 上海, 包括我方 3% 佣金 摄像机 : 每台 600 美元 数码照相机 : 每台 300 美元 MP3: 每台 60 美元 (4) 付款方式 : 90 天期信用证装船前 30 天开立 (5) 包装 : 适合于海运的出口包装 (6) 交货日期 : 一批或分二批 8 月底前交完

Dear Sirs, Dear Sirs, We are pleased by your prompt reply to our inquiry of November 10, 2009 and now wish to place an order with you as per our Order No.57 enclosed. Yours faithfully,

CHANGSHA INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE CORPORATION Tel: (0731) Fax: (0731) ORDER FORM Order No.57 November 20, 2009 To: DIGITAL LEGEND CO. LTD. 124 Gower Street, LONDON W.1, England 124 Gower Street, LONDON W.1, England Please supply the following items: Description: A: VC-45 Video Camera B: DC-62 Digital Camera B: DC-62 Digital Camera C: MP-83 MP3 C: MP-83 MP3

Quantity: A: 1000 sets B: 1000 sets B: 1000 sets C: 5000 sets C: 5000 sets Unit Price: FOB Shanghai, inclusive of our 3% commission A: US$ 600 each A: US$ 600 each B: US$ 300 each B: US$ 300 each C: US$ 60 each C: US$ 60 each Payment: L/C at 90 days ’ sight to be opened 30 days before shipment. Package: By standard export seaworthy cases. Delivery Date: Before the end of August in one/two lots. Changsha International Commerce Corporation Changsha International Commerce Corporation

Letter 2 A Repeat Order

Language Points Language Points captioned shipment 标题项下货物 to find the goods quite satisfactory 对该货颇为满意 additional quantities 更多的数量 in this market 在本地市场 to place with you a repeat order for 3,OOO doz. 向你方续 订 3 千打 the same style and sizes 同样式样和尺码

be urgently required by 急需   be urgently needed by   be badly needed by   be in urgent need of   need … urgently

Letter 3 Acknowledging an Order

Language Points Language Points confirm: to state or show that sth. is definitely true or correct 确认;证实 e.g. We confirm having received your telex of yesterday. 我方确认收到了你方昨日的电传。 opening of an L/C: 开立信用证。表示开立信用证最常用的 两个动词是 open 和 establish. to your satisfactory: 令你方满意

Letter 4 Declining an Order

Language Points Language Points advanced version: 已改进的型号 alternative: available in place for sth else; other choices 替换物

Answer of Exercise 1. Complete the following sentences by translating the part in Chinese into English. (1) We hope this initial order ( 该首次订购 ) will lead to further business with you. (2) If the time of shipment meets with our satisfaction, we will place large orders (我方将大量订货). (3) We will open the L/C after we have received your contract ( 收到你方合同后 ). (4) We regret that it is difficult for us to obtain more resources ( 我方很难获得更多的资源 ). (5) If you can reduce your price by, say, 2%, we will be glad to place a repeat order for 500 tons ( 续订 500 吨 ).

2. Read the following sentences and try to find out the mistakes and make corrections. There is one mistake in each sentence. (1) If your price compares favorably to those of other suppliers, we shall send you an order. to → with (2) The goods are urgently required, so promptly delivery will be most appreciated. promptly → prompt (3) Your terms are satisfied and we enclose an order. satisfied → satisfactory (4) We are glad to inform you that your first shipment of shoes has received favorable reaction of our customers. of → from (5) If the first shipment is satisfactory, we can place for you many repeat orders. for → with

3. Translate the following sentences. Part I Translate the following sentences into English. (1) 如果你方能给我方 6% 的佣金,我方将试购 300 台。 We shall place a trial order with you for 300 sets if you give us a 6% commission. (2) 我方正在执行你方 78 号订单。请相信我方定将 在你方所规定的期限内安排装运。 We are working on your Order No. 78 at present and you can trust we will effect shipment within your stipulated time.

(3) 由于大量承约,许多客户的订货都未发出,因 此我方目前只能接受 12 月船期的订单。 Owing to heavy commitments, orders of many clients haven ’ t been dispatched, so we can only accept orders for December shipment at present. (4) 因为存货售罄,我方不能接受新订单。但是一 俟新货源到来,我方即去电与你方联系。 Our stock is exhausted and we are not in a position to accept fresh orders. However, we will contact you by cable as soon as new supplies are available. (5) 该货须分三批装出,每月 200 吨,从 8 月份开始。 Shipment should be made during August to October in three lots, with 200 tons each.

Part II Translate the following sentences into Chinese. (1) We are pleased of placing an order with you for 1,000 dozen skirts at US $ 120 per dozen CIF New York. 我方很高兴向你方订购 1000 打女裙,每打 120 美元,纽约成本保险费加运费价。 (2) We regret to inform you that it is not possible for us to meet your delivery requirements due to a substantial backlog of orders. 我方很遗憾地告知你方,由于我方手中积压了 大量订货,所以不能满足你方的交货要求。

(3) We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to receiving your future orders. 十分感谢你方的合作,盼望收到你方将来(更多) 的订单。 (4) Your order is receiving our immediate attention and you can depend on us to effect delivery well within your time limit. 你方订货正在及时处理,你方可信赖我方将会在 规定时间内发运。 (5) As our customers are urgently in need of these goods, we hope you will send them at an early date. 由于我方客户急需此货,希望你方尽早发运。

Dear Sirs, We have received with thanks your quotation of March 12. We have read carefully your catalog and price list. We hope to order the types listed on the price list with you. We ’ d like to emphasize that this is our first order with you, if the first delivery is satisfactory, we shall be able to place repeat and regular orders with you. In order to avoid the unnecessary troubles with our Customs, please read our shipment instructions with care. As to our credit, please refer to Shenzhen Branch, the Commercial Bank. Yours faithfully,

Dear Sirs, Thank you for your offer. We regret that your price is on the high side compared with the leather from Australia. As you know, this would be the first time that you introduce your product into our market; therefore, you should be aware of the competitions of market. So, we suggest you reduce your price by $1.50 per square feet. We really appreciate your cooperation and would like to develop a long-term business relations with you. If you could accept our proposal, we may place a trial order for 250,000 square feet. Awaiting your soonest reply to the above. Yours faithfully,