ASEE Profiles Researching Graduate Engineering Programs
Thanks for attending! We are going to focus on ASEE Profiles. What is ASEE? Have any of you ever seen their profiles? Every ABET accredited engineering school in the US and Canada submits an 80+ page questionnaire each year. Have you used the US News and World Report Rankings? Welcome!
Undergraduate, MS, and PhD enrollments Programs/departments that are available Faculty distribution by department Research expenditures by department Student data by program and level What is in the profiles?
Student enrollments by MS and PhD program Males and females Part-time and full-time International and domestic Ethnicity data Student data
You could use these data to determine if you want to apply to particular programs. You can use these data later when you have been admitted and you are trying to determine where you will attend. You can use these data when you communicate with programs any place in the prospective applicant to application cycle. Using the data
These profiles are open to anyone in the world. No user id’s or passwords are needed: Let’s go into the ASEE Profiles
Keep in touch. I am available to assist you! Bruce A. Lindvall, Ph.D. Assistant Dean for Graduate Studies Tech, Suite L261 Phone Questions