NVA Guntra Zarina Reykjavik Latvian Labour Market after EU Accession
LATVIA Area km2 Border Total km Estonia – 267 km Lithuania – 453 km East – 358 km Coast – 531 km Population Latvians Latvia % Riga % Daugavpils % Liepaja % male 46% female 54% Minimum salary – 170 euro Average salary euro
GDP growth rate (%)
Inflation rate %
Employment rate (15-64) (at the end of the year,%)
Unemployment rate in Europe 2006 (%) Eurostat
Registered Unemployment in Cities and Districts Total number of registered unemployed persons (February 28, 2007) –
Division of unemployed by gender
Registered Unemployed by Education (February 28, 2007)
Labour Demand in 2006
Occupational mobility – supply and demand (1) The most demanded professions (2006) Shop assistant Forestry machines operator Truck driver Project manager Cook Tailor Real estate agent Auxiliary worker Worker in fish processing The most common professions of unemployed ( ) Auxiliary worker Shop assistant Cleaner Cook Unqualified worker Driver Tailor
Workers abroad <2years>2 years.Total UK Russia Ireland Germany Belarus USA Ukraine Lithuania Denmark Sweden Estonia Norway Other EU countries Other third countries No information Total Source: Latvian University
Willing to work abroad No% < 3 months21914,0 3 months – 1 year67943,4 1-2 years24215,4 2-3 years795,1 3-4 years181,1 4-5 years442,8 > 5 years291,8 Forever946,0 Don’t know16410,5 Source: Latvian University
Motivation to work abroad No% Higher salary ,7 Better working conditions 47530,8 New experience 39125,4 Social guaranties 35422,9 Career opportunities 30019,5 To have a work 24515,9 Work related to profession 20413,2 Source: Latvian University
The number of valid residence permits by January Eurostat
Trends of Key Indicators of Labour Market LV 2001 LV 2002 LV 2003 LV 2004 LV 2005 LV 2006 LV Policy objectives EU target 2010 Employment rate (15-64) 58,660,461,862,363,4 66,365,0 67,070,0 Employment rate for women (15-64) 55,756,857,958,459,5 62,361,0 62,060,0 Employment rate for older workers (55-64) 36,941,744,148,049,5 53,348,0 50,0
Thank you for your attention! Guntra Zarina EURES manager 38, K.Valdemara street Riga, LV-1010 Latvia