NAME: ROMAN KORIMARA ADVISOR : PROF HSU DATE: 5/03/2014 RENEWABLE ENERGY LAB Optimization of Photovoltaic Penetration of a Small Island Distribution considering Annual Solar Irradiation of pvGS NAME: ROMAN KORIMARA ADVISOR : PROF HSU DATE: 5/03/2014
Outline Motivation Methodology Case studies Conclusion References
Derived power curves for different PV capacities from real solar irradiance data Methodology 4 3 1 2 5 Determine the Maximum Allowable Power within voltage limits Build Network Topology on Mat lab platform Execute Load flow to solve VVR and PL Execute Load flow to solve VVR and PL (VCS ) Power Curtailment and the PV revenue generated by PV with different capacities 6 Solve NPV to determine the optimal penetration level with maximum NPV 7
Case studies 1 2 3
Voltage control scheme(VCS) 4 5 6
estimated the annual PV generation (historical data)
Table of annual pv generation and curtailment for pv installation capacity
Result -economic indexes [pby & npv] 13
conclusion A load flow simulation result shows that 690kWp can fit well with power flow and voltage variation of the grid The optimal capacity of the PV installed at BUS 4 analyzed in this study is 1400kWp, which generates a maximum NPV of around $4.31million. It’s PBY is around 13 years. An estimated annual rejected PV power of this aforementioned optimal capacity is around 345MWh.
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