Phylum Platyhelminthes
Basic Facts Name meaning: flatworm Phylum divided into 3 classes Invertebrate Bilateral Symmetry Cephalization Contains body organs Digestive, reproduction, excretory and nervous
Basic Facts cont…. Habitat: some species are free-living, most are parasites Contain a blind gut digestive system Exchange gases through diffusion Flattened body Reproduction: Primarily asexual, hermaphroditic Fission
Class Turbellaria Free living flatworms May contain ocelli Ex. Planarian
Class Trematoda Parasitic flatworms known as flukes Cause a disease known as Schistosoma Live in liver, lung and blood of host Passed through water that is contaminated by human feces, urine or blood. Have an intermediate host in life cycle Aquatic snail
Schistosoma life-cycle
Infection with a blood fluke
Class Cestoda Parasitic tapeworms Live in the intestines of hosts Can grow to the length of host intestine or longer Infection caused by ingesting eggs of worm
Typical Tapeworm Body Plan Scolex w/hooks and suckers for attachment Immature Proglottid: Sections of tapeworm body Mature Proglottid: Sections of tapeworm body (contain eggs)
Tapeworm Photos Scolex Hooks
Cycle of Infection
Tapeworm Infection
Flatworms Platyhelminthes Cephalization Blind Gut Diffusion Fission Ocelli Intermediate Host Fluke Scolex Proglottid
Name that Vocab Term A digestive system with only one opening Eyespots used for detecting light A body plan characteristic of organisms that have an identifiable head A type of asexual reproduction where the organism splits in half to create a copy A grouping of animals common referred to as flatworms. The exchange of gases through a membrane or skin.