Skin CancerMelanomaSun & TanningPotpourri
Row 1, Col 1 The 3 most common types of skin cancer. What are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma, and melanoma?
1,2 Melanoma often involves one of these four skin features. What are moles, freckles, blemishes and birthmarks?
1,3 The hours of the day when sun exposure is most harmful to your skin. What is 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM?
1,4 Using this would allow you to stay out in the sun 30 times longer than normal. What is SPF 30?
2,1 The skin cancer most likely to strike teens and young adults. What is melanoma?
2,2 When a mole does this, you should see a dermatologist immediately. What is change?
2,3 The abbreviated name of the system that sunscreens are rated by. What is the SPF system?
2,4 These UV rays penetrate deep into the skin and cause DNA damage. What are UVA rays?
3,1 Melanoma often spreads and causes this unless it is detected early. What is death?
3,2 Characteristics that put individuals at a higher risk for melanoma. What are fair skin, light hair color, 50 or more normal moles, any atypical moles, family history of skin cancer, blistering sunburn under age 20, and/or indoor tanning?
3,3 The UVA exposure from a visit here is equal to a day at the beach. What is a tanning salon?
3,4 The amount of sunscreen an average person should apply. What is one ounce (the amount in a shot glass)?
4,1 Of the three most common skin cancers, the two that occur on parts of the skin that have received the most lifetime skin exposure. What are basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma?
4,2 Of these, the recommended interval to perform skin self-examinations. Daily Weekly Monthly Annually What is monthly?
4,3 The only safe way of tanning. What is artificial tanning (or bronzing) lotion?
4,4 One or more of these four features are often seen in early melanomas. What is Asymmetry, uneven or fuzzy Borders, multiple Colors, and a Diameter greater than ¼”?
5,1 This skin cancer often starts as a dry scaly patch on the face or neck. What is squamous cell carcinoma?
5,2 The most common sites of melanomas in men and women, respectively. What are the back and legs?
5,3 The minimum SPF number sunscreen an adult with any skin cancer risk factors should wear. What is 45?
5,4 Residents of northern states are as likely to get this type of skin cancer As Florida residents. What is melanoma?