Diving Inward This is an inward look at the types of writing we ask the students to do on a regular basis: Guided question??….. Are the expectations known and understood by the students? Are we proficient on what we ask the students to complete? Are we teaching the basics consistently across the staff? How can we all work together to allow our students to reach their overall success?
Diving Inward – using student work – Give evidence to support your claim Look at the National Technical Society Essay Expectations (using your student work) – Note the expectations your students in your class do successful with little or no remediation (NOTE THIS WITH A $) – Note the expectations your students in your class do after some assistance or reminder of what is meant or needed (NOTE WITH A #) – Note the expectations that your students need substantial help or can not do to completion (NOTE WITH A !)
Diving Inward – using student work – Give evidence to support your claim Look at the General Essay Checklist (using your student work) – Note the expectations your students in your class do successful with little or no remediation (NOTE THIS WITH A $) – Note the expectations your students in your class do after some assistance or reminder of what is meant or needed (NOTE WITH A #) – Note the expectations that your students need substantial help or can not do to completion (NOTE WITH A !)
AHHA Looking at your own individual score of your students strength and weakness – what are some AHHA moments – What are some individual findings that jump out that might be true areas of concern. Individual first Table talk second Group talk third
Average? Do your students overall strengths and weaknesses fall in line with others? (discuss as a small think tank, then group think tank) In speaking with others what common areas of concern do you have?
Common Ideas Individually create a lesson that would teach the students how to write both the “Essay Expectations and the General Checklist”. When complete place your lesson onto chart paper and place on the wall in the room. (Note underline what you think everyone should include in their lessons) Do a gallery walk read others and take notes: ahha moments, areas of concern, misconceptions, etc.
Outcomes What did this tell us? How are we going to all be on the same page on what is needed and how to teach the students the needed skills for success? Where do we go from here? (creating a plan of action for consistency) _______________________________________
Based on the group decision: Using the Guidelines: Write your own You are going to write your own National Honor Society Short Essay When you are finished I would like for you to highlight where you met all of the components of the checklist for a good essay. Note any areas that you did not meet along the way.
Diving Inward What does the statement “Life Long Learners” mean to you? How do you support the statement “Life Long Learner” when it comes to teaching. What was your worst subject in school (HS, college, trade, etc.) and why? What training do you seek as a teacher to better yourself in the classroom.
Evaluating where you are On the sheet provided please note as you read thru all of your standards, including Common Core” SPECIFICS where you are Good to Go and Working on As you are noting the areas, please provide defensible evidence to support your claim Do your areas of good to go and working on align with your student success areas?
Where does this lead us for tomorrow Bring your Good to and working on it along with student work and notes from today. Prioritize your top 5 areas of Working on it that you need assistance specific to your classroom Prioritize your top 5 Good to go with evidence to back your claim