Learning Objective A statement in specific and measurable terms that describes what the learner will know or be able to do as a result of engaging in a learning activity.
Learning objectives are statements which describe what the learner is expected to achieve as a result of instruction. They direct attention to the student and the types of behaviors they should exhibit.
Purposes of Objectives Increases the chances of you and the learner ending up where you want to be. Provides a guide for planning instruction. Provides a guide for planning assessments. Guides learners; helps them focus and set priorities. Allows analysis of the levels of learning.
Learning objectives should be SMART: Specific Measurable Attainable Results-Focused Time-Focused
The ideal learning objective has 3 parts: A stem. After reading this chapter, the student will ___. After completing this activity, the student will ___. At the end of this unit, students will ____. A measurable verb. Identify, define, analyze, draw A product or outcome. Three states of matter. A concept map of natural selection. A lab report describing their experiment.
Sample Science Objectives After completing this lesson, the student will be able to: –record observations about... –record and compare facts about _____ (the sun, moon, etc.). –collect, organize, display, and interpret data about _____ –create a visual representation of _____ (the water cycle,.etc.). –create a concept map of... –identify relevant questions for further experimentation. –present their findings of _____ to the class.
Levels of Objectives (Bloom’s Taxonomy)
A set of learning objectives should include both lower- and higher-order thinking skills.
Low Level Verbs Define Memorize List Recall Repeat Relate Name Repeat Discuss Describe Identify Locate Report Explain Recognize Review
Middle Level Verbs Interpret Apply Practice Illustrate Operate Demonstrate Dramatize Sketch Translate Differentiate Analyze Calculate Criticize Compare Contrast Examine Test Experiment
High Level Verbs Plan Propose Design Assemble Create Prepare Organize Manage Construct Judge Evaluate Revise Score Select Measure Estimate Choose Assess
Vague verbs are not useful. Examples: –Learn __________. –Understand _______. –Work on ________. –Study ______. How will you know that they’ve accomplished these? –Your answers should be the objectives.