Today we began the Collaborative unit first we started of by having a talk with to of the teachers and they were just explaining to us what was going to be happening for the rest of the week. Then we all went off and choose our computers for the first week my grade (8.7) will be on the computers and the other two (8.8 & 8.9) they will be on the laptops. After we had chosen our computers we had to log in and then write down what computer number we are. After that we then began the assignment first up we had to full out a goal sheet for us, we had to write in our long term goal and then (SMART) the specific of the goal the, the measurable, the achievable, the realistic and the time bound of it that took me a bit but there were few that I did not understand. After I filled out the goals sheet I had to watch a video of Kurt, he was the man who had no legs and climbed the kakoda track successfully, he had support from his friends and family and was not afraid to ask for help when needed. He also meet some young kids in a small village were he meet a kid with ceraposey and was unable to get his bottom of the ground. After the that video we had to fill out a goals sheet of Kurt which were asking questions like what was his main and his smaller goals and the strategies that you think he used. That was the end of the first day of the collaborative unit
Today was the second day of the colabrative unit
Today was the first day back of the collaborative unit for the 7 th week. First up we went in to the hall thing were the teachers were talking to us for what we have to do for the week, they have set up a document to tell us what we do Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday and what we need done by the end of the day. After they had told us what we were doing for the day we went to choose what laptop or computer we were on, this week 8.8 are on the computers and 8.7 and 8.9 will be on the laptops. I am on a laptop and mine is L5-08. When I first got my laptop I logged in it took the laptop 15 minutes to log in. Once it had finally logged in to the computer I went on to the internet and got up the daily program document to see what I had to do, I read what i had to do then got a start. First up I had to open up another document for the intro to phase 2. Then i had to watch a phase 2 video. Once I had done that the internet went down for most of the lesson, so there was nothing else much to do.
Today, I was late to school so I missed out only on about minutes of the collaborative unit. First I logged in to the computer and went on the Vermont site and brought up the daily program document and cheeked that I had to do today, since i had not finished the stuff i was ment to yesturday i had to finish that off. I had to watch two videos the first one telling me how to save my survey, i have done that and it was succssesful and the i watched the other one but then half way through it the internet went down. So i got started on writing my journal and that is what i have been doing for the lesson. But for about 15 minutes I was doing 2 surveys.
First up we came in and got our laptops, then one of the teachers started talking to us on something that we have to print off for today. After he had told us what we were doing i got a start on the things I need to do. Then we had to go in to the big room were we had a meeting, the teachers talked to us then we went in to our party group. After we were in the party group we went back to our computers and finished off what we had to do for the rest of the day.
Today is the fourth day of the collaborative unit, first up we got our laptops and turned them on. Then I finished off my journal for yesterday and then I got a start for today. After that I started to create a wiki space, my accounts name is Jess-Leo. It took me a while to think of my account name but i eventually got there.
Today was the last day of week 7 for the collaborative unit. I was unable to do a lot but I still complete a little. Some of the time the internet crashed for bit. Then for the last 20 minutes of the collaborative unit we had to pack up because we had a fire drill.
Today was the first day back of week 10 of the collaborative. When we were walking into the flexible learning centre we were given a sheet which told us what we had to do for this week. Once we got in we put our books down and chose the computer that we were going to be on for the rest of the week mine is L5-07. Then I was called by Mr. trollop that I haven't out anything on my wiki space. I went back to my computer and logged into my account but it took me about 20 minutes to get in an get to the page that I wanted. Then I caught up on the things that I was behind on. Then I started to write today's journal page.