Traffic Management and Transport Demand Management Gladys Frame Consultant Traffic Engineer The World Bank Module 4: Urban Transport Planning
What is Traffic Management? Traffic management and the urban environment Managing the use of road space and its surroundings for all road users Maximizing the efficiency and safety of the road network Broad scope of traffic management
Pre-Conditions for Successful Traffic Management Coherent system of land use planning and road network development A functional road hierarchy Good road user behavior A comprehensive approach A high status and image of traffic management
The Benefits of Traffic Management Short-to-medium term timeframe Low cost compared to new road construction Flexibility Environmental improvement
Institutional Requirements for Traffic Management The traffic management process Policies and strategies Planning, design & implementation Operations and enforcement Traffic law and regulations Traffic management guidelines Traffic Impact Analyses
Traffic Management Strategies Strategic Objectives protect and improve the environment improve road safety improve access and mobility for passengers and goods improve the capacity and efficiency of traffic flows on main routes Specific Objectives
Traffic Management Techniques Physical measures Regulatory measures Informative measures Charging measures Operational measures Educational measures
Key Traffic Management Techniques Area Traffic Control (ATC) Junction Channelisation One-way Systems Public Transport (PT) Priority Traffic Calming Urban Road Safety Management
The Rationale for Transport Demand Management (TDM) Strategies Achieving economic efficiency Enhancing the quality of life Achieving sustainability in transport Achieving a balance between new road building and TDM Strengthening the economy
Transport Demand Management (TDM) Techniques & Measures congestion charging and road-tolling road-user charges levied on fuel controls on vehicle use and vehicle ownership controls on land-use development public transport improvements encouraging more travel by foot and bicycle encouraging greater use of telecommuting intelligent transport systems (ITS) parking controls and pricing physical measures of traffic restraint