Polymorphous Computing Architectures Run-time Environment And Design Application for Polymorphous Technology Verification & Validation (READAPT V&V) Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Laboratories 1 Federal Street A&E Building Camden, New Jersey 08102
Multi- Mission A Multiple Sensors (A,B,C...X) plug & play BCX …. MonthsDaysSeconds Response or Morph Time: Polymorphous Computing Architectures Goal: Computing systems (chips, networks, software) that will verifiably morph to changing missions, sensor configurations, hardware failures, and operational constraints during a mission or over the life of the platform Mission Aware Computing In- Mission Re-target -ability Platform transit Multi-sensor processing Tracking
Autonomy is driving exponential Growth of Flight-Safety-Critical SystemsAutonomy is driving exponential Growth of Flight-Safety-Critical Systems Mission-critical Applications project similar growthMission-critical Applications project similar growth Verification & Validation Problem V&V currently represents 40 to 70% of total system costsV&V currently represents 40 to 70% of total system costs Next generation systems will drive this cost up exponentiallyNext generation systems will drive this cost up exponentially —Increasing Scale: Multi-mission roles, improved sensors, etc. —Increasing Complexity –Introduction of autonomy, adaptive mission processing, decision aiding capabilities –High percentage of non-deterministic functionality –Emergence of adaptive computing (PCA, etc.) Current V&V solutions are costly with limited scalabilityCurrent V&V solutions are costly with limited scalability New approaches to V&V are critical to the affordability and adoption of highly adaptive, cognitive systems New approaches to V&V are critical to the affordability and adoption of highly adaptive, cognitive systems
Test (V&V) Code Leveraging Design Models for V&V Requirements Production System Current Approach executable spec. Model Generated SW Simulate Rapid Prototype Model model-based V&V Use the existing design models for V&V before implementation and again during Operation Operate Recommended Additions
High Payoff Technologies Enhanced model-based techniques for complex, dynamic systemsEnhanced model-based techniques for complex, dynamic systems —Formal methods: Domain-specific approaches provide provably correct designs; dramatic (4-10X) reduction in software, integration, and test costs —Hybrid methods: Combine discrete (state, flow-based) and continuous (system dynamics, temporal) models —Stochastic methods: Complexity- and probability-based characterization of non- deterministic system functions and software —Evolutionary methods: Mutation-based testing and constraint generation Constraint-driven specification, implementation, and run-time enforcement of emergent behaviorsConstraint-driven specification, implementation, and run-time enforcement of emergent behaviors Information integration across multiple domains/aspectsInformation integration across multiple domains/aspects Enhanced model-based techniques optimize test coverage with reduced cost; maximizes V&V payoff for next generation systems
READAPT V&V Thesis and Goals ThesisThesis —Run-Time monitoring and correcting is a revolutionary solution for ensuring “safe” and properly executing behavior for PCA and cognitive systems-based adaptable architectures READAPT V&V goalsREADAPT V&V goals —Develop efficient and reliable means of capturing both system behaviors and system designs (model behaviors) —Develop ability to monitor complex, adaptable systems at run-time to behaviors captured during the design process —Develop ability to force a complex system into a properly behaving state in response to changing behaviors and behavior violations
Overall Approach Overall ApproachOverall Approach —Summarize requirements and approaches for avionics V&V —Investigate additional V&V requirements for PCA enabled avionics applications —Model a PCA architecture for PCA V&V R&D —Model a non-determinate avionics application (algorithm) for PCA V&V experimentation —Research, develop, and model a hierarchical, integrated, reactive-configuration and behavior-monitoring verification approach for PCA enabled applications —Integrate models to evaluate the V&V research for a PCA enabled avionics application
Application Model CSIMCore PCAPlatformModel Application System Specification PCA System Specification Requirements Specification simulationtrace MEDL Script MaCTool configureoutput formalize model model compile Run-Time Monitoring and Correcting
Exhibit Displays CSIM MaCS Integrator Monitoring script configure state recordsinterface objects event def. Target Set (Endpoint) Grid Size Cardinality (Direction) Planning Horizon C(r,r+dr) Incremental Cost Laptop 1 - CSIM/MaCS Display Route Planning Algorithm Laptop 2 - Flight with Route Planner Display Flight Simulator provides context displayFlight Simulator provides context display CSIM simulates PCA enabled route plannerCSIM simulates PCA enabled route planner CSIM controls CDU on Flight SimulatorCSIM controls CDU on Flight Simulator MaCS monitors route planner execution & controls PCA & algorithm adaptationMaCS monitors route planner execution & controls PCA & algorithm adaptation
Overall Demo Scenario SAM site Detection & route replan Approaching SAM site Run-time Monitor Detects performance Envelope problem; Revert back to State 2 (Safe) Passed SAM site Pre-planned Mission Execution Threat Avoidance & Replan Threat Avoidance & Targeting Replan Continuous Replan During Avoidance to Include Targeting PCA Morph State 1: PCA Morph State 2: PCA Morph State 3: Threat Avoidance & Replan PCA Morph State 2: PCA Morph State 4: States Events
Stream Processors indicated by filled boxes GP Processors indicated by (non-Red) outlined boxes Dynamic bar chart indicating total active processors, active stream processors active GP processors and active threaded processors Total active processor count display MaCS messages and status Mission status PCA Virtual Processor State and Activity System State and Task Flow RADAR Tasks Imaging Route Planning Self Test and MaCS Flight Control Threat Avoidance Mission Assignment Comms Threaded Processors indicated by RED outlined boxes CSIM PCA Flight Control Display