Standard Operating Procedures Suspected Criminal Incidents
Standard Operating Procedure Suspected Criminal Incidents Incident Retailer informs Service Provider management Store Management to pursue criminal charges within 72 hours of incident Conduct initial investigation and suspend Service provider line manager to go to store Complete investigation and decide on whether to pursue case Advise store management Store to make all necessary evidence available Issue notice of enquiry * Conduct enquiry and issue findings NoYes Guilty Keep store management informed Mitigation / Aggravation and sanction Employee returns to store Not guilty Appropriate sanction Employee has 5 days to appeal outcome and 30 days to refer matter to CCMA Employee returns to store ERS Database updated Advise store management * Witnessess and all related evidence to be made available by store All statements to be provided to SAPS within 1 (one) week of incident Court case Not GuiltyGuilty Store to make all necessary evidence available Service Provider to contact CGC Office for assistance – If no support from Store
Unauthorised Possession of Goods Phase 1 The store will inform the Service Provider of the alleged misconduct involving the Service Provider’s employee. The Employee’s line manager will immediately travel to store, complete initial investigation, and suspend employee. The store management will make all necessary information and evidence available to the line manager of the Service provider. If the store does not assist in making evidence available the Service Provider is to contact CGC office on The store Management will proceed with criminal charges against the employee of the Service Provider – within 72 hours. All statements will be provided to the SAP within one week of incident Criminal case will proceed with due course Phase 2 The Employees manager will complete investigation and decide if there is sufficient evidence to proceed with charges. If there is sufficient evidence the employer will issue a notice of enquiry and proceed with the case. If there is not sufficient evidence to proceed with charges the Line Manager will brief the store and the employee will return to the store. The Enquiry will be heard and the chairperson will issue his/her findings. If the employee is found not-guilty he/she will return to the store. If the employee is found guilty the chairperson will hear argument in favour of mitigation and aggravation and thereafter will issue the outcome in writing. Phase 3 If the employee is found guilty he/she will be dismissed,however there may be exceptional circumstances when an employee who is found guilty of theft may receive a sanction short of dismissal e.g. Final Warning. The Service Provider will give the store feedback in terms of the outcome of the enquiry The dismissed employee has the right to appeal outcome of the disciplinary Enquiry within 5 days or refer the matter to the CCMA within 30 days. Phase 4 The Service Provider will advise store management and update the ECR database. The Line manager will give the store feedback continuously throughout the process.