Introduction Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office (XPO) XFEL Technical Reviews
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction XFEL Organization: Work Package Groups and Work Packages 2 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy Work Packages - WPs Work Package Groups - WPGs
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction XFEL Project Board joint project management for XFEL project XFEL project leader and his team Accelerator Consortium Coordinator and his team steers the construction of the XFEL facility board receives status information from the WPs and follows them up each WP is represented in the board by one of its members 3 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Representation of WP in the Project Board 4 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy WP-73 X-Ray Optics & Beam Transport WP-81 Scient.Instr. FDE WP-82 Scient.Instr. HED WP-84 Scient.Instr. SPB WP-83 Scient Instr. MID WP-78 Optical Lasers WP-31 Site & Civil Constr. WP-44 Site Engineering WP-41/42/43 Site Lot 1-3 WP-45 AMTF Hall WP-71 Undulators WP-75 Detector Development WP-76 DAQ & Control WP-74 X-Ray Diagnostics WP-85 Scient.Instr. SQS WP-86 Scient.Instr. SCS WP-79 Sample Environment WP-10* AMTF WP-13* Cryogenics WP-32* Survey & Alignment WP-34* Utilities WP-33* Tunnel Installation WP-40* IPS WP-03* Acc. Modules WP-04* S.C. Cavities WP-05* Power Couplers WP-06* HOM Couplers WP-07* Frequency Tuners WP-08* Cold Vacuum WP-09* Cavity String Assem. WP-11* Cold Magnets WP-46* 3.9 GHz System WP-01* RF System WP-02* Low Level RF WP-21 FEL Concepts WP-14* Injector WP-20* Beam Dumps WP-12* Warm Magnets WP-16* Lattice WP-18* Special Diagnostics WP-15* Bunch Compression WP-17* Stand. Diagnostics WP-19* Warm Vacuum WP-12* Warm Magnets WP-36 General Safety WP-35 Radiation Safety WP-38 Personnel Interlock WP-39* EMC WP-28* Accelerator Control System WP-29* Operability & Reliability WP-28* Acc. Controls * Work Packages, which are covered by the Accelerator Construction Consortium Monitored by PB-member: H. Weise Monitored by PB-member: W. Decking /T. Limberg Monitored by PB-member: T. Hott Monitored by PB-member: S. Molodtsov Monitored by PB-member: A. Schwarz Monitored by PB-member: T. Tschentscher Cold Linac Coord. Machine Layout Coord. Technical Coord.IK-Contribution Office Project Office WPG3-Coord. Project Board (PB) Project Management WP-Group 1WP-Group 2WP-Group 4WP-Group 3 WP-Group 6WP-Group 5
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction XFEL Project Board joint project management for XFEL project XFEL project leader and his team Accelerator Consortium Coordinator and his team steers the construction of the XFEL facility board receives status information from the WPs and follows them up each WP is represented in the board by one of its members relevant decisions of the board are communicated to the project in the weekly project meeting 5 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction XFEL Project Planning Challenges distributed planning approach with in-kind contributions bottom-up project planning by work package leaders XFEL Project Office (XPO) to maintain overall schedule maintain overall consistent project plan over ~6 years maintain dependencies between WPs in a transparent & traceable way provide trend analysis as early warning system provide reporting platform (PM, WPL, funding agencies etc) 6 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy Challenges:
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Planning Process: XFEL Project Plan = Hierarchical System of Plans XFEL milestone plan: maintained by XPO project relevant milestones linked to WP milestones dependencies between different WPs via milestones WP plans: maintained by the WPLs activities with schedule and resources, milestones progress reporting by “% complete” and remaining work 7 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy XFEL milestone plan WP-01 WP-02
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Planning Process: Approach – Execution WPL activity length for this & next quarter: 6 – 18 weeks in later quarters activities that can be longer investment and resource planning determine dependencies from/of other WPs request milestone from XPO 8 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy last quarternext quarterlater quarters milestone other WP via master plan
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Controlling Process: Update Approach – Execution WPL progress reporting quarterly mark tasks as finished update unfinished tasks: no unfinished work in the past refine planning for up-coming quarters file a status report (generated out of project plan) to PM PM follows-up on the status 9 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy status date
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Planning & Controlling Process: Tool Support 10 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy XFEL MS Project 2007 Enterprise Project Web Access as PMS Portal and Project Analysis Center Reporting Platform Status Report available via EDM Explorer
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction XFEL Structural Aspect elementary unit of project: WP responsible for planning & execution of its tasks does all technical work WP are very independent units with lots of responsibility all run in parallel and contribute to building the same facility ⇨ interfaces to other WP ⇨ interfaces to the XFEL PM 11 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy Milestone (time) XFEL milestone plan WP-01 WP-02
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Side Note: Milestones milestones used to establish a logical dependence between WPs via Milestone Plan general: milestones are important tracking and monitoring instrument mark important events with in the project / WP formal: duration = 0, cost =0 often decision points 12 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction OutputOutput OutputOutput OutputOutput OutputOutput 13 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy Component Development Phase Model development and production of components in phases independent on whether series or small number each phase produces certain outputs/deliverables e.g. functional model, technical drawing, fabrication tools, product, etc end of phase: milestone and decision point output is reviewed go-ahead for next phase is given (or not) Detailed Design Production decision point Conceptual Design Fabrication Planning … …
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction OutputOutput OutputOutput OutputOutput OutputOutput 14 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy Phase Model: Technical Reviews Conceptual Detailed Design: Conceptual Design Review Detailed Design Fabrication Planning: Detailed Design Review Fabrication Planning Production: Production Readiness Review Detailed Design Production DDRPRRCDR Conceptual Design Fabrication Planning … … Complexity of review directly related to complexity of system Mandatory for all large/important systems
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Main Review Goals prepare all necessary documentation and finalize all required deliverables at the end of a phase confirmation of the accomplished work within the WP by the PM enter review with the “certainty” to pass not an open point assessment provide valid and up-to-date information for all interfacing parties/WP to enhance planning certainty essential to build 1 facility in this distributed fashion get the go-ahead from the PM to proceed with the work (next phase) e.g. approval place call for tender after PRR 15 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Benefits for Reviewing WP Assurance that all required tasks are accomplished checklist of required deliverables per phase approval of phase results by PM maybe: confirmation by “external” expert Certainty that open points are dealt with quickly acknowledgement of “my good work” by PM and others “forced” to finalize all deliverables until a fixed date review is prepared with documentation and other deliverables availability of approved and released documentation for others 16 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Benefits for Interfacing Parties / PM ensures that my requirements are incorporated availability of a released, reliable and valid set of docs describing the reviewed system enhances planning certainties for my tasks certainty that open points are dealt with quickly PM: assurance that a defined “quality standard” is reached 17 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Goals of this CDE Workshop come to a common understanding of the reviews goals, procedures define mandatory deliverables for the 3 technical reviews (CDR, DDR, PRR) checklist what should be available at the end of a certain phase define criteria for passing the 3 technical reviews 18 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction Additional Material: Status WP Interlinking 19 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction WP-Interlinking: Process survey among WPs for in-coming milestones consolidation of milestone list by WP coordinators (with WPLs) completeness necessity keep number of links small implementation of links by XPO request out-going milestones from WPs link WP plan via Milestone plan 20 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy XFEL milestone plan WP-01 WP-02
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction WP Interlinking: Status Cold Linac WPs almost complete missing WP-01/02 PM relevant milestones defined WPG-2/3: out-going milestones requested and partially implemented PM relevant milestones need to be defined WPG-4/5: still no consolidated in-coming milestone list WPG-6: no in-coming milestones needed out-going milestones: “structural shell of building complete” are available 21 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy
XFEL Technical Reviews: Introduction WP Interlinking: Status 22 2 nd CDE Workshop, 12. / 13. May 2009 Riko Wichmann, XFEL Project Office, Desy PM relevant milestones for monitoring WP Interlinking