All students have the right to pursue their education in a safe and nurturing environment. All students are responsible for their own learning and personal conduct and must accept the consequences of the decisions they make.
Students need to maintain at least a C average in all subjects and pass all local and state assessments. Electronic Devices must be used in a responsible manner for academic purposes only. It is up to the teacher when these will be used. Must have an excused absence to make up any missed assignments.
Be here, on time every day that school is in session. Bring a note with your agenda book to the front office within 2 days of your absence or if you are late or need to leave early. Pre-arranged absence forms available in front office.
Persons may not discriminate, intimidate, or harass (bully) any member of the MVMS community because of his or her: Race Color Creed Nat. Origin Religion Disability Age Gender
Repeated conduct that interferes with a student’s ability to learn, study, work, achieve, or participate in normal school activities, including sexual harassment. TeasingName Calling ThreatsRumors
∞Physical contact without the consent of the other person; includes pushing, kicking, and hitting. ∞Carries serious consequences including possible criminal charges.
Any behavior that interferes with the safe transport of students is prohibited. Students who do not behave in a responsible and safe manner on the bus may lose the privilege of riding on the bus.
Don’t bring/use them! Don’t pretend to have them!
Students are not permitted to wear articles of clothing that disrupt the academic environment of the school by: exposing too much skin allowing undergarments to be visible promoting unacceptable or illegal behavior demeaning an identifiable person or group presenting a safety hazard (ex. chains and heelies)
Engage in learning activities and take school seriously Take responsibility for their own behavior Be respectful, courteous and cooperative Respect the personal, civil, and property rights of others Are prepared to learn Complete assignments on time Seek alternatives to verbal or physical conflicts Speak appropriately to other students and staff Exhibit self-control and behave ethically
Unacceptable behaviors include but are not limited to: Rude, insulting, or demeaning language and/ or actions Rude, insulting, or demeaning language and/ or actions Persistently unreasonable demands Persistently unreasonable demands Intrusive and/or interruptive behavior Intrusive and/or interruptive behavior Displays of temper Displays of temper Harassment and intimidation Harassment and intimidation Threatening and/or abusive gestures and behavior Threatening and/or abusive gestures and behavior BullyingBullying Each individual is responsible for behaving in a civil manner and for cooperating in resolving incidents of uncivilized behavior.
Discipline Information Discipline is a shared responsibility of the school, the student, and the home Appropriate actions/consequences will be taken when behaviors are inappropriate The Discipline policy refers to during school hours, on the school bus, on school-sponsored events and trips, etc. Such consequences may include parent contact, the loss of privileges, detention, a parent conference, Saturday school, suspension, or an alternative placement.
Lunch Room Guidelines Always walk in the cafeteria Those with lunches sit down -those who need to buy - get in line Use inside voices while eating Remain seated while in the cafeteria and keep your hands to yourself Keep your area clean When leaving the cafeteria, please sign out to go everywhere.
Recess Parameters Once you are done eating, clear your table and the floor below of trash. Wait to be dismissed by an adult. We will have outside recess every day except when we have bad weather, check the recess status on the bulletin board Allow others to join you at recess Upon dismissal from lunch/recess, return equipment to the bin.
Being Respectful at MVMS As always …….. Respond to questions from an adult the first time they request Treat each other with respect at all times
Consult your Student Handbook from the packet given to you in Falcon Time. Focus specific attention on the Code of Conduct portion of this document. Ask an adult in the building if you have any questions or need clarification!!
1. Be Respectful. 2. Be Responsible. 3. Be Ready!