March 2004 ICDD in Indian Ocean Rim 2003 Review and 2004-2005 Plans Brian O’Connor.


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Presentation transcript:

March 2004 ICDD in Indian Ocean Rim 2003 Review and Plans Brian O’Connor

Indian Ocean Rim (formerly South Eastern Asia) March 2004 ?

Steering Committee for Region Brian O’Connor (Australia) – Regional Co-Chair Hamid Othman (Malaysia) G Subba Rao and Tim White (Singapore) K V Krishnan (India) Mohamad Hikam (Indonesia) New Co-Chair to be appointed March 2004

South Africa (1) 21 st European Crystallographic Meeting (ECM-21), Durban, August 2003 Brian O’Connor presented a paper on PDF-4 products at ‘Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction Workshop’ Brian also represented Cam Hubbard and Bob Snyder at the IUCr Commission on Powder Diffraction (CPD) meeting March 2004

Armel Le Bail, Robin Shirley, Martin Atfield, Brian O’Connor, Lachlan Cranswick (convenor), Juan Rodriguez-Carvajal; Jon Wright, Vincent Favre-Nicolin March 2004

Phase identification and search match tricks using PDF4. Brian O’Connor, ICDD&Curtin University Powder indexing of large volume cells (including protein data) with Crysfire. Robin Shirley, University of Surrey Limits of powder indexing of impure samples using whole profile methods – McMaile powder indexing software. Armel Le Bail, University du Maine Structure solution using direct methods: EXPO structure solution software. Martin Armfield, UMIST, Manchester. Structure solution using real space methods and the FOX software. Vincent Favre-Nicolin, Grenoble Rietveld refinement of complex inorganic structure materials using Fullprof. Juan Rodriguez-Carvigael, CEA-CNRS, France Rietveld structure refinement of protein powder diffraction data using GSAS. Jon Wright, ESRF, Grenoble. March 2004

South Africa (2) Workshop on Radiation-Based Analytical Techniques (part of 9 th International Symposium on Radiation Physics), Cape Town, October Dudley Creagh and Brendan Kennedy (Australian ICDD members) presented a 2-day powder diffraction workshop 22 participants from all over Africa ICDD sponsorship March 2004

Australia (1) AsCA’03/Crystal-23 International Crystallography Meeting, Broome, WA: August (and Biological Structures Workshop: August / Sagamore XIV Meeting: August) Brian O’Connor on organising committee Brian attended and presented a poster paper on PDF products No ICDD sponsorship March 2004

Australia (2) Australian X-ray Analytical Association (AXAA) National Conference and Schools Meeting Fremantle (Perth), WA Feb 2005 Focus on laboratory x-rays, synchrotron radiation, neutron scattering (XRD and XRF streams) ICDD sponsorship ICDD exhibit March 2004

Kai Behrens, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Arnd Buhler, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Janette Cawood, South African Spectroscopy Association Lachlan Cranswick, Chalk River (Canada) Garry Foran, Tsukuba (Japan) Jim Kaduk, BP-Amoco (USA) / ICDD Arndt Kern, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Bert Kinneging, PANalytical (The Netherlands) Karl Mauser, Bruker – AXS (Germany) Joe Michael, Sandia (USA) Hideo Toraya, Rigaku (Japan) Bruno Vrebos, PANalytical (The Netherlands) Tim White, NTU (Singapore) Invited Speakers - International March 2004

Malaysia ICXRI Meeting, Bangi, October 2004?? March 2004

Prospective strategies Regional steering committee – review by the new Regional Co-Chair National committees? Continue membership drive Engagement of members in ICDD technical activities March 2004