1 Freedom of expression and freedom of the media INFORMATION SOCIETY Federal Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Austria
2 „Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes the right freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.“ Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Freedom of Expression
3 Challenges for FOE in the Information Society New Opportunities, but also new limitations of FOE Internet Security and Data Protection (Hidden) Censorship of the Internet, filtering of harmful or political content Illicit and harmful content: child pornogrophy, hatespeach, racism, Nazi propaganda, deformation, incitement to terrorism etc. Protection of privacy, of minors, of society Brave new digital world? Freedom of Expression
4 WSIS I (Geneva) Declaration of Principles link between Information Society and Human Rights (UDHR) link between Internet Security and Human Rights affirmation of freedom of press, information, media protection of human rights of others, like privacy Geneva, December 2003 Freedom of Expression
5 WSIS I (Geneva): Plan of Action Plan of Action of Geneva essential role of media for freedom of expression measures against illicit and illegal content, like racism, xenophobia, hatred, violence, misuse of children, human trafficking Freedom of Expression
6 WSIS II: Tunis Tunis Commitment and Agenda for the Information Society confirmation of Geneva principles and cultural diversity measures to overcome digital divide, for example digital solidarity fund Internet Governance: UN Working Group Tunis, December 2005 Freedom of Expression