Ch. 17 The West between the Wars
17:1 Objectives: List causes and effects of the Great Depression. Describe the U.S. response to the Depression. Explain some weaknesses of the League of Nations.
17:1 study guide 1. Weakness of the League of nations 2. reparations and Germany’s payment problem. 3. inflation 4. Dawes Plan 5. Treaty of Locarno 6. Kellogg-Briand Pact 7. depression 8. causes and effects of the depression 9. How do Germany, France, Britain and US deal with the depression?
17:1 Search for Stability League of Nations is weak. U. S. does not join the League of Nations. Reparations- Germany has trouble paying up.
Inflation – $ becomes worthless marks = $1US Nov1, billion = $1US Nov30, trillion = $1US
Dawes Plan- coordinated German annual payments with its ability to pay & granting $200 million loan. This opened the door to heavy American investments in Europe. Treaty of Locarno- France & Germany agree on borders
Kellogg-Briand Pact – signed by 63 nations pledged to “renounce war as an instrument of national policy” But…no way to enforce promises. Depression – period of low economic activity & rising unemployment ( devastated morale, led to extremist political parties, creating conditions for WWII)
CAUSES: – Overproduction = falling prices – International financial crisis (US stock market) EFFECTS: -Increased gov’t activity in economics -renewed interest in Marxist theory (led people to follow political leaders who offered simple solutions in return for dictatorial power)
GERMANY: William II leadership to end with war; depression=unemployment & fear FRANCE: became strongest power in Europe; later economic instability led to political effects; Popular Front Government = collective bargaining- right for unions to negotiate with employers over wage/hours Problems of depression = little confidence in political system
BRITAIN: New conservative gov’t; John Maynard Keynes – economist – Deficit Spending – – Spending $ gov’t doesn’t have=
UNITED STATES: – FDR – “New Deal” – WPA – Works Progress Administration – Social Security Act
17:1 SUMMARY List causes and effects of the Great Depression. Describe the U.S. response to the Depression. Explain some weaknesses of the League of Nations. see p. 534 “Flu Epidemic”
17:2 The Rise of Dictatorial Regimes What are Totalitarian and Fascism gov’ts? Where did they rule and who were the leaders? How did Mussolini take over Italy? When and who created the USSR? How does Stalin change the Soviet Unions economy?
EUROPE DEMOCRATIC FRANCE GREAT BRITAIN DICTATORSHIPS ITALY SOVIET UNION GERMANY OTHERS Totalitarian – gov’t that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual & culture lives of its citizens.
Fascism – emphasizes strong central gov’t led by a dictator ruler; people are controlled by gov’t & opposition is suppressed. Benito Mussolini – Italy (Father of Fascism) Il Duce – “The Leader” P 542 People in History
Russia had Lenin and Communism after WWI NEP – New Economic Policy (saved Russia from economic disaster) 1922 Lenin/Communist formally create the USSR – Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1924…Lenin dies
Politburo – 7 member policy-making body of Communist Party Leon Trotsky & Joseph Stalin p. 543 People in Joseph Stalin
Stalin ends NEP ; replaces with his 5 – year Plan - to transform Russia from an agricultural country to Industrial country Collectivization - system where private farms were eliminated; gov’t owned land/peasants worked it. The Great Purge of 1930’s
SUMMARY What are Totalitarian and Fascism gov’ts? Where did they rule and who were the leaders? How did Mussolini take over Italy? When and who created the USSR? How does Stalin change the Soviet Unions economy?
17:3 Hitler & Nazi Germany OBJECTIVE: Explain how Hitler and the Nazi Party established a totalitarian state in Germany
Adolf Hitler 1921 took control of German Workers’ Party… National Socialist German Workers’ Party.. NAZI Racism & anti-Semitism
“ Mein Kampf”…..“My Struggle” About his movement and basic ideas: – Extreme German nationalism – Strong anti-Semitism – Anti Communism – ….linked by social Darwin theory of struggle emphasizes right of superior nations to “living space” thru expansion & right of superior individuals to gain authoritarian leadership over masses
Nazi Party becomes largest in German Parliament = Reichstag *Hitler becomes a dictator appointed by parliament…..Enabling Act Concentration Camps set up for those who opposed new regime President Hindenburg died 1934…. Hitler = Fuhrer
p. 550 Hitler Youth Organization Aryan racial state to dominate Third Reich = Empire of Nazi Germany
“SS” Guard Squadrons
Hitler used a massive rearmament program to put people back to work from depression. Nuremberg Laws (1935) – excluded Jews from German citizenship & required them to wear Star of David Kristallnacht = “night of shattered glass” – Destructive rampage against Jews
SUMMARY Explain how Hitler and the Nazi Party established a totalitarian state in Germany SEE “3 DICTATORS” CHART P. 552 (2Q’S)
17:4 Cultural & Intellectual Trends Objective: Describe popular forms of entertainment used to spread political messages
Radio, Movies Mass Leisure…offered new ways totalitarian states controlled people Artist after WWI... “The world doesn’t make sense, why should art?”
Photomontage – combo of pics (collage’) Artistic movements: Dada and surrealism – Both reflect unconscious content of the mind
Summary : Describe popular forms of entertainment used to spread political messages Explain how Hitler and the Nazi Party established a totalitarian state in Germany What are Totalitarian and Fascism gov’ts? Where did they rule and who were the leaders? How did Mussolini take over Italy? When and who created the USSR? How does Stalin change the Soviet Unions economy?