Fascism Rises in Europe


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Presentation transcript:

Fascism Rises in Europe Chapter 15 / Section 3

Fascism Rises in Europe During the Depression of the 1930’s millions of people around the world lost faith in the Democratic way of government. In response, people turned to an extreme new form of government called Fascism

Fascist Beliefs and Policies Fascism- A political movement that promotes an extreme form of Nationalism, a denial of individual rights, and a dictatorial one-party rule

Fascist Beliefs and Policies Fascists promised to revive the economy, punish those responsible for hard times, and restore national pride. Their message attracted many people that were frustrated and angered by the peace treaties after World War I and the Great Depression.

Fascist Beliefs and Policies Fascism had no clear theory However, most fascists shared these ideas: 1)Nationalism 2) Authoritarian Leadership 3) Uniforms of a certain color, special salutes,massive rallies

Fascism v. Communism In some ways Fascism was similar to Communism. Ruled by dictators, one party rule, denial of individual rights. In both, the state was supreme.

Mussolini comes to Power in Italy

Mussolini Comes to Power Fascism came to power in Italy due to the disappointment over the failure to obtain territory during the Paris Peace talks of 1919 Rising inflation and unemployment also contributed to widespread doubt in the current democratic government, they wanted a leader who would take action

The Rise of Mussolini Benito Mussolini – A newspaper editor and politician. Boldly promised to restore Italy’s economy in addition to strengthening it’s military Mussolini gained support because he was seen as a strong leader In October 1922, after 30,000 fascists march on Rome, Mussolini takes control of Govt.

Mussolini as IL Duce’ Abolished Democracy. Outlawed all political parties except The Fascist. Secret Police jailed his opponents. Government censored radio and newspapers. Formed relationships between large industrialists and large landowners and The Fascist Party-Economy Control.

Hitler Takes Control in Germany Adolph Hitler- a little-known political leader in the mid- 1920’s. Ex-WWI soldier who later joined the National Socialist German Workers’ Party, known as Nazi for short. Policies of the group supported the middle and lower class.

Hitler Takes Control in Germany (cont’d) Hitler was a great speaker and organizer, helps him gain power. In jail Hitler writes, Mein Kampf (My Struggle) which tells of his goals for Germany. Declares lebensraum, or living space in Germany is needed. (Racism)

Hitler Takes Control in Germany (cont’d) Once elected by the Nazi party Hitler rises to Chancellor by 1933. From that point on Hitler finds ways to make himself more powerful. However, during this time Hitler drops unemployment in the country from 6% to 1.5%.

Hitler Takes Control in Germany (cont’d) Hitler wasn’t just happy as Chancellor, he becomes the Fuher, SUPREME LEADER. His plan is to dictate not only economic and political life, but ALL ASPECTS. First thing he did was begin war with JEWS. SS leads the way.