13 Independent States State Constitutions that limited power of government Fear of someone having too much power Bicameral – two house legislature Republic- citizens rule through elected representatives
Strengths Conduct Foreign Affairs Maintain armed forces Borrow money Issue currency Weaknesses Could not regulate trade Could not force citizens to join the army Impose taxes Could not pass a law without 9 states agreeing
Ordinance of 1785 Established a procedure for surveying land The Northwest Ordinance Kicked natives off land Population reached 60,000 could apply for statehood Created townships 6 miles long 6 miles wide 36 townships Created 5 new states Michigan Ohio Indiana Wisconsin Illinois
Money depreciated – fall in value Cannot collect taxes Robert Morris’s Import Tax 5% tax on imported goods Failed to pass Spain closed the Mississippi River “Stronger Government is needed”
Depression – period when economic activity slowed and unemployment increased. Difficult time for farmers – crops lost value Ceased land to pay debts Shay’s Rebellion Daniel Shays led 1,000 angry farmers to seize arms and stop the farm sales. /Arsenal.html /Arsenal.html