Matter and Energy By: Sean, Jacob, Scott
Matter is the building block of the universe. It can neither be created nor destroyed. It can only be displaced. In other words, matter is anything that takes up space. Matter
States of Matter Solid-defined shape and volume, molecules move together Liquid-undefined shape, definite volume. Takes the shape of its container. Gas-undefined shape and volume. Fills the space it exists in. Plasma-superheated matter. Behaves differently from other forms of matter.
Changes to Matter Physical- alters the physical appearance. Change of state, being cut, and mixing are examples of physical change. Chemical-alters the molecular structure. Digestion is an example of chemical change.
Energy Energy is the ability to do work. It can neither be created nor destroyed. When matter is at work, it is either kinetic energy or potential energy. Kinetic is energy of motion, and potential is the storing of energy.
Other kinds of energy Chemical Energy-stored in chemical bonds Electrical Energy-comes from movement of charged particles Mechanical Energy-energy of motion Radiant Energy-energy in the electromagnetic spectrum.Travels as waves
How are they related? They are related by one relationship: Where there’s energy, there’s matter, and vice versa. One cannot exist without the other.
Citations Marieb, Elaine, and Serina Beauparlant. Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology Eighth Edition
Question Time! 1.What are the four states of matter shown in this presentation? 2. What are the two main types of energy?
Question Time! 3. What defines a chemical change in matter? 4. An object in motion is using ______ energy.
Question Time! 5. Can matter and energy be created? Destroyed? 6. In what way are matter and energy related?