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High School Information: Expected graduation date June 2016 Confirm address that you will utilize!
Questions about yourself… Answer to the best of your ability
Describe Type of College you’d like to attend
Total years you will take a class in each subject Select Average grade
High School courses you have taken or plan to take in mathematics
High School courses you have taken or plan to take in English
High School courses you have taken or plan to take in Science
High School courses you have taken or plan to take in Social Studies
High School courses you have taken or plan to take in Foreign Language
Stop Here!!! Take a look at the test dates (Saturdays) Will you be available If you are using a fee waiver and you do not show up, we cannot give you another one. (No shows will affect how many fee waivers we get next year.) RHS tests the SAT in November and March
Country: United States Select test: SAT
Get fee waiver from Mrs. Alcala Counselor: Mrs. Alcala Eligibility Criteria: Mark the first box Enrolled in or eligible for the National School lunch program (NSLP)
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TEST DAY CHECKLIST Must Bring: Your Admission Ticket You must have your Admission Ticket on test day. Sign in to My SAT and click "Print Admission Ticket".My SAT Two No. 2 pencils and a soft eraser Photo identification You must present acceptable photo identification (ID) for admission to the test center. You are responsible for understanding and following the SAT Test-Taker Identification Requirements and Policies.SAT Test-Taker Identification Requirements and Policies You may be denied entrance to the test center or your scores may be withheld or canceled if you can't present acceptable ID, if the validity of the ID is in question, or if you fail to follow the Identification Requirements and Policies. An Acceptable Calculator Calculators permitted while testing are: Graphing calculators Scientific calculators Four-function calculators (not recommended) Not permitted as a calculator: A laptop or a portable/handheld computer Electronic writing pad or pen-input/stylus-driven device (e.g., Palm, PDAs, Casio ClassPad 300) Note: The Sharp EL-9600 may be used without the stylus. Pocket organizer Cell phone calculator Calculator that has QWERTY (keyboard-like) keypad (e.g., TI-92 Plus, Voyage 200) Calculator that uses an electrical outlet, makes noise or has a paper tape Read the Calculator Policy