How to Find Funding and Plan for International Fieldwork April 8, 2005 Cynthia Buckley Center for Innovation, Creativity and Capital Dept. of Sociology CREEES
Goals Discuss the importance of pre-dissertation research and training in and out of the field Highlight funding and application issues Become familiar with strategic preparation issues: practical and academic Unanticipated barriers and opportunities Setting clear goals and agendas
Be out standing in your field If we can send one graduate student away, why can’t we send them ALL away
Areas of Interest Preparation for studies language preparation critical university programs in country programs area background is important Developing area expertise sends a signal to funding agencies, enables project development and makes your time in the field more efficient
Master your Methods Methodological training is increasingly important Join in on research programs, gain knowledge in secondary analysis OR methodological approaches Know the methodological similarities and differences you have with local scholars GET ETHICS TRAINING
Start the Fieldwork Certification Early Human Subjects Review, Get certified! certification is: University of Texas IRB forms (see attached) can be found at An interesting site from a European University on research ethics can be found at And an excellent article in the Lanclet on pragmatism in research ethics can be found at: rticle.jhtml
Find Pre Dissertation Programs American Councils (ACTR/ACCELS), Smith Richardson, NSEP, NSF, Wenner Gren Area Associations: AAASS, MESA, LASA Disciplinary association newsletters, faculty, other students, office of the Dean of Graduate Studies
Be Strategic in Your Search Register at the Community of Science Take a few moments and register yourself on the Community of Science Web page (note computer must be linked with UT for you to be able to register). This search engines checks all grant postings for selected keywords and provides an update of opportunities every two weeks. This is STRONGLY recommended.
Applications Pre dissertation projects should not be too narrowed or specific Dissertation projects should be extremely specific One “basic” model can be modified for many applications Have a clear idea of your needs data time funding collaboration What will be the “output” from this project?
Establishing Contacts Identify individuals and institutions in the field Look at the literature Use faculty contacts Spread your net widely Send them a short project description Obtain written collaborative agreements Get feedback on your project Focus on professional relationships
Letters What is the use of reference letters? See this essay: “Do We Need Recommendation Letters?” 2/recommendation_letters.pdf 2/recommendation_letters.pdf Choose letter writers carefully- need specifics on your work Make sure you give all the materials well in advance Give an indication of the issues each person should cover Fill out forms, give addressed envelopes, follow-up
Before you hit the road……… Make sure your background reading and research is complete Try to make as many appointments as possible in advance Write up a short summary of your project in the local language Get local language business cards Get shots and medication Get insurance
Summarizing Your Project General one page (no more) overview should include General question Specific importance of the case Anticipated output Specific sections for each type of method What questions are your addressing? What type of “data” are you looking for? How do you plan to analyze the data? Know how you want to pieces to fit together
Practical Advice Personal security is important Presentation of self is also important Make sure you consider how “interviewer effects” may alter the information you receive gender dress personal appearance
Always Have a Plan B What will you do if there is no access? a revolution? your topic is not relevant or you missed a key point Make sure you have some back-up plans alternative methods alternative sites
Timing is Everything You will not have enough time, deal with it Do not leave things to the last minute Do plan on time for fun and rest Everything takes much longer than you think Try to stay on schedule Keep a work diary- this is critical
Getting Started Work out a time line Let your advisors know your needs Get started on the back ground work Plan ahead Stick to schedule
Work Together Form fellowship work teams Read over applications Keep in contact Share insights- both successes and failures These are not competitive but rather cumulative processes Reinforce and deepen the UT reputation