PERSIAN GULF WAR (OPERATION DESERT STORM) In August 1990, Iraq invaded Kuwait in order to control their large supplies of oil. Saddam Hussein, Iraq’s leader, claimed Kuwait was taking too much oil from shared oil fields. Also claimed that Kuwait should have been part of Iraq. The U.S was concerned because it gets a large amount of oil from Kuwait.
PERSIAN GULF WAR (OPERATION DESERT STORM) Kuwait was part of the United Nations, so when they were attacked, the U.S. and 39 other countries joined Kuwait forces to drive the Iraqis out. This was known as the Persian Gulf War, or Operation Desert Storm Ended in February 1991
INVASION OF AFGHANISTAN After the 9/11, the U.S began a military operation in Afghanistan to capture those responsible for the attack. The organization was Al-Qaeda, and the leader was Osama bin- Laden. U.S believed that the Taliban (the government in Afghanistan) was hiding Bin Laden. The U.S launched a series of attacks in October 2001, and the Taliban collapsed. The U.S is still working to help the people reorganize the government. Osama Bin Laden was killed in early 2011.
INVASION OF IRAQ Invasion was launched in 2003 by the U.S U.S claimed that the Iraqi government was offering aid to Al-Qaeda, developing nuclear weapons (WMDS), and was a threat to U.S interests in the region.
INVASION OF IRAQ The government in Iraq collapsed quickly, however the U.S did not have a plan to reorganize the country. U.S. troops have remained in Iraq to stop fighting between different religious and ethnic groups competing for power.
POST SEPTEMBER 11, 2001: OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM War in Iraq On-Going Public & world opinion not favorable President Obama slowly withdrawing Over 4,000 American soldiers dead