TRW Code Updates for WCRS Document Activity ERD, EAR and Part Generator Changes August, 2006 TRW Automotive August, 2006 TRW Automotive August, 2006
2 TRW Overview of Updates for WCRS User Community The creator of a document can now add additional creators from their Task by adding them to the Additional Creators field. The added User/Users now have access to submit drawings, attachments, add their comments and complete any changes to the Part Details page in the created state. The ERD will remain in create until all Additional Creators have completed their task. Note: Additional Creators have the same access and edit capability as the original Creator (Slide 3) A new section has been added to the PRA ERD Final Release Task called “Commodity Buyer”. This allows the PRA to review the Commodity Buyer by name prior to release of the document. Once the Task button is selected the Commodity Buyer will automatically be sent an FYI which will be listed on the Approval Page. Note: This applies only to the N.A. process at this time. Global PRA’s should ignore this field (Slide 4) Attachments section on the Request page for the User Reference Documents can now be attached and deleted without Error 500 occurring. Improvements have been made to the Quick Overview and Printed documents: Part description, Shown on Document part number suffix, and Supersedes P/N along with some other minor viewing updates. The Part Generator will now generate (5) Non-TRW part numbers, (12) Auto generated Chart part numbers and (5) Don’t Auto generate Chart part numbers. (Slide 5). The Deviation, General Information (GI), and Process and Routing (P&R) Part Detail page now have most of the same features as the ERD document. (Slide 6) If the PRA tries to release a Deviation which contains parts that have not been released in WCRS they will receive a task indicating the specific part numbers which have not been released. There are new system updates for the creation and viewing of ERD’s, EAR’s Parts and Documents within the WCRS system. They are summarized below and further described on the following slides for your reference. Please review now and see your local engineering change management group with any questions.
3 TRW WCRS Task for Additional Creator Team and Notification Additional Creator Team Functionality A new functionality is available for the creator to add additional creators. The Additional Creators will receive a Task. Additional Creator Team Functionality A new OPTIONAL functionality is available for the creator to add additional creators. The Additional Creators now have the ability to add and remove drawings, attachments, and update Part Details. The Additional Creators will receive a Task. This Task is a shared Task which means if either of the Additional Creators put in a comment they will be viewable to the Additional Creator that has not approved. The last approver can add comments and approve. Once the last Additional Creator has approved the original workflow resumes. Note: An Additional Creator has the full edit functionality as the originator.
4 TRW PRA Task - Commodity Buyer Field Commodity Buyer on PRA Task for N.A. Review The Commodity Buyer will appear on the PRA’s Final Review and Release Task. The Commodity Buyer will receive a WCRS FYI Task to inform them a commodity or theirs has had a change and they may want to review the ERD. Note: The Buyers identified support only N.A. process at this time.
5 TRW Part Generator Creates Multiple Non-TRW and Chart Parts Creating Multi Non-TRW parts in the Part Generator The User can now create multi Non-TRW numbers. As many as (5) can be created at once. The User may to copy and paste the first entry into the empty sections below and change each entry to it’s new unique number. Once all fields required are completed, the User will need to select the “Check Uniqueness” button which checks WCRS. (The user is not allowed to choose the “Create Part(s)” button, which is grayed out, until the system checks for uniqueness.) The last step is to select “Create Part(s)” which produces a list of part that can be updated. Creating Multi Chart parts in the Part Generator The User can now create multi Chart numbers. As many as (12) system generated charts and (5) “Don’t Auto Generate” charts can be created at once. Once all fields required are completed, the User will need to select the “Create Document” button. A list of parts will appear to the right of the screen that can be updated. Note: For “Don’t Auto Generate” Charts follow the steps above. System Generated Don’t Auto Generate
6 TRW Deviation, GI, and P&R Part Detail Improvements Part Detail Improvements for EAR Documents The user will now be able to make a selection for one or many specific part numbers to View Details, View Part Master, Update Details, Remove Details, or Add New Details much like the ERD.
7 TRW New Copy Deviation Feature Deviation Copy Feature After you select “copy deviation” the newly created deviation will display the source deviation link.