Awaking the vacuum in relativistic stars: Gravity-induced vacuum dominance Daniel A. Turolla Vanzella Instituto de Física de São Carlos - USP IX Workshop Nova Física no Espaço Campos do Jordão (SP) (PhD project of William Couto Corrêa de Lima)
Content: Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes: an overview Awaking the vacuum in relativistic stars The vacuum: structure and consequences Final remarks Gravity-induced vacuum dominance
The vacuum: structure and consequences In flat spacetime: - Vacuum fluctuations (virtual pairs) give the vacuum “some” (infinite) energy; Cortesy of Scientific American Brasil - This energy is renormalized to zero (ground level); - Direct observable consequence: Casimir effect;
In flat spacetime: - Vacuum fluctuations (virtual pairs) give the vacuum “some” (infinite) energy; - This energy is renormalized to zero (ground level); In curved spacetime: - Vacuum fluctuations give the vacuum “some” (infinite) energy; - This energy can be renormalized, but not to zero, in general; - “Observable” consequences: Particle creation in expanding universes; Black hole evaporation; The vacuum: structure and consequences - Direct observable consequence: Casimir effect.... Conceptually, very important... But observationally, very subtle... Why?
The vacuum: structure and consequences In flat spacetime: ħ, c, L In curved spacetime: ħ, c, G, L, M Is the vacuum bound to be irrelevant in macroscopic systems? (If not zero or infinite)
Classical Classical background spacetime ( M, g ab ) + quantized on Field quantized on ( M, g ab ) ( M, g ab ) Quantum Field Theory in Curved Spacetimes (QFTCS): an overview
i. Fix the background metric ii. Solve the field equation for a complete set of positive- and negative-norm modes iii. Expand the field operator using these normal modes, implementing the canonical commutation relations iv. Substitute (formally) the field operator into the classical expression for the energy-momentum tensor and calculate its expectation value (after regularization and renormalization) Vacuum energy on gravitational fields
Gravity-induced vacuum dominance - Field equation: - Background spacetime: - In-modes: - Out-modes: If V out gets sufficiently negative, then is no longer complete! Non-stationary modes:
Gravity-induced vacuum dominance Consequence:...
Awaking the vacuum in relativistic stars Uniform-density compact object: More realistic neutron stars:
Final remarks Despite the exponential growth, the energy-momentum tensor is covariantly conserved; How sharp the transition to vacuum dominance is depends on the size of the system: it would take only miliseconds for the vacuum energy density to overcome even the extremely dense matter inside neutron stars; The vacuum-driven evolution which would then follow (through the semiclassical Einstein equations) awaits to be fully analyzed and may lead to novel (infrared) QFTCS effects. The idealizations used here (scalar field, asymptotically static spacetime) serve only to illustrate the main idea behind the vacuum-dominance effect without unnecessary complications. The effect may be triggered in much more complicated and realistic scenarios (for instance, with in non-stationary situations);