1 Distribution-Compensable Jitter Generator for Communication Test Presenter : Pin-Chong Chen Advisor : Tsung-Che Huang 2009/09/21 Y.-H. Chou, T.-H. Wu, P.-C. Chan, and T.-C. Huang, “Distribution-Compensable Jitter Generator for Communication Test,” 20th VLSI Design/ CAD, Aug
2 Outline Introduction Programmable Delay Line (PDL) Random Number Generator (RNG) Normal Distribution RNG Uniform Distribution RNG Distribution-Compensable Methodology Experiment Results Conclusions
3 Introduction In high-speed computer and communication systems, timing jitter is one of the most critical parameters. Jitter testing is becoming indispensable. Conventional Jitter Generator is executed by expensive external testers or instruments. Communication test :(1)Waveform Analyses, (2)JG/JM and (3)bit error rat test.
4 Basic Methodology Based on the noise/jitter generation structure. The non-linearity and self-jitter of the converter have skew. Fig. 1. A programmable noise/jitter generator.
5 Benchmark DTC’s (1) Fig. 2. A programmable jitter generator. Fig. 3. Adopted DCDL.
6 Benchmark DTC’s (2) Fig. 4. Adopted VCDL as a fine-tuned delayline.
7 Monte Carlo simulation results Fig. 5. Transfer function of a 5-bit DTC
8 Box-Muller &table-lookup methods Box-Muller table-lookup methods Fig. 6. Typical table lookup methods.
9 Ziggurat algorithm Fig. 7. (a) Ziggurat algorithm and (b) 7-layer Ziggurat diagram.
10 Efficient RNG (1) (a) shows the uniform distribution u1,u2. (b) show the sum of u1 and u2. (c) show the minimum (min) of u1 and u2 (d) show the maximum (max) of u1 and u2 Fig. 8. Uniform and composed distributions.
11 Efficient RNG (2) Fig. 9. The ith H- and V-trapezoid pdf’s. (1)
12 Simulations of RNGs Fig.11. Examples of the V-trapezoid RNGs with the simulation results.
13 Jitter Distribution Compensation(1) Distribution-compensable methodology RNG (f1(x))DTCf2(x)chi-square test Compensation
14 Jitter Distribution Compensation(2) Fig. 12 Compensating example
15 Examples
16 CONCLUSION In this paper a programmable, fast and area- efficient trapezoidal PWL RNG is developed. The speedup and area reduction make it possible to build into SoCs/NoCs.
17 Thanks for your attention.