Enlarging the scope of Generator Services project Witek Pokorski SFT Program of Work Meeting 03/03/2010
Generator Services: status workpackages – GENSER: repository of the MC generators – testing and validation: regression testing, basic physics validation (observables, distributions), physics validation against data – first level support – HepMC: de facto standard for event record – MCDB: MonteCarlo database (of events) used by the LHC experiments, positive feedback 03/03/20102Witek Pokorski
Generator Services scope enlargement: motivation Unlikely that we’ll ever have an event generator that, with a single global tuning, can describe with comparable accuracy all aspects of all LHC final states This implies that, depending on the specific application (e.g. measurement of mtop, of mW, of CP violation in B decays, etc), each experiment will likely need to develop specific, analysis- and experiment-dependent tunes, to optimize the data vs MC agreement Michelangelo Mangano; Tunning session at MB & UE Working Group, LPCC 03/03/20103Witek Pokorski
Generator Services scope enlargement: proposal Generator Services gets involved in the common effort devoted to the generators tuning – provide the necessary infrastructure and support the tools (Professor, Profit) – provide a 'repository' (documented, tested, etc) of tunes for the LHC experiments – participate in the tuning using the publicly available data 03/03/20104Witek Pokorski Genser & LPCC can support/host the efforts required to make the tools available to all experiments and MC developers, and support the overall infrastructure necessary for the global tuning task. The authors of the tuning packages and generators, the Genser and LPCC management, and the MC coordinators and tuners of the exp's identify technical needs and resources. The LPCC can provide whatever resource is necessary, host the “tuning team”, etc. Michelangelo Mangano; Tunning session at MB & UE Working Group, LPCC